message documentation
Where is the tick or realtime documentation with description for the format following: MARKETPRICE raw MP,REFRESH, raw MP,UPDATE, CLOSING_RUN raw MP,UPDATE,CORRECTION raw MP,UPDATE,QUOTE raw MP,UPDATE,TRADE raw MP,UPDATE,UNSPECIFIED
How can I get instrument metadata from NDA via RDP API?
Hi , I'm from Refinitiv ACE team. We used self platform for update content with python language. Generally, we use Refinitiv Data Platfrom library to retrieve ric data from elektron. We have requirement to access NDA data for update metadata when some ric has stock event update. It's suggested that we can use ADC API…
2 RICs 510500.SS/SSd is showing different values in raw data as per client, the value of FID 1352...
... on 510500.SSd has correct encoding for Chinese character but Level 1 RIC 510500.SS doesn’t. 510500.SS (level 1) <0x1B>$*5<0x1B>}<0xC4><0xE3><0xF8><0xFD>500ETF 510500.SSd (level 2) <0x1B>%0<0xE4><0xB8><0xAD><0xE8><0xAD><0x89>500ETF Raising in behalf of client, Yong Liu from Morgan Stanley. Client is an Elektron Real…
Is there a way to download the following data through the Python Eikon api? RHistory("EU1YT=RR","NDA_RAW.NDA_NATIVE_YIELD;NDA_RAW.NDA_DATE","NBROWS:1 END:03-Jan-2020 INTERVAL:1D",,)
How can I extend the IBarData in foreach (IBarData bar in chunk.Records.ToBarRecords()) to access...
... other fields I use NDA_RAW in my request and in the debugger I can see the records in the data chunk, but how can I access the individual keys in the dictionary? request = timeSeries.SetupDataRequest("ESc1") .WithView("NDA_RAW") .WithAllFields() .WithInterval(CommonInterval.Daily) .WithNumberOfPoints(10)…
How to get access to NDA_RAW data for timeseries in Python
Hi, in Excel I use the following function to get OHLC data for futures conttracts: =RHistory("EScv1","NDA_RAW.Nda_date;"&"NDA_RAW.Nda_open;"&"NDA_RAW.Nda_high;"&"NDA_RAW.Nda_last;"&"NDA_RAW.Nda_settle;"&"NDA_RAW.Nda_last","INTERVAL:1D",,"CH:Fd",E4) How can I retrieve the same info using the Python API?
RAW Tick History message format?
I have downloaded raw tick history for a CME future. The datascope help message says the following: Tick History: Tick History Raw The Tick History raw format provides the data in a format unaltered from that transmitted on the Thomson Reuters Elektron real-time network, all of the Field, Value pairs are preserved." Where…
Using an existing Instrument List brings back no response
When I use the following request to use one of my instrument lists: { "ExtractionRequest": { "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.TickHistoryRawExtractionRequest", "IdentifierList": { "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.InstrumentListIdentifierList",…
How to filter on multiple FIDs with TickHistoryRawExtractionRequest
I would like to filter on multiple FIDs as part of a raw report request. This sort of request works: { "ExtractionRequest": { "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.TickHistoryRawExtractionRequest", "IdentifierList": { "@odata.type":…
Query on RaWTAS API
We need few details about the RawTAS API which are as below. 1. What is the API name for RaWTAS? 2. Can we use this API to download data similar to what we are doing through AWS for MBO?
RAW data download
Hi, we wanted to download RAW(TAS,MD etc) data for given columns only. How can we achieve it? Please provide an example while providing solution.
get_data raw_output problems
Hello, The following line returns the error ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2). data, err = ek.get_data(instruments="IBM", fields="TR.PriceClose", raw_output=True) It seems to be a problem with the raw_output as it works if it's set to False. I'm running eikon version 0.1.9, python 3.6.1
raw fields in quote pluggin returning undefined
Hi Support, I am looking at the Quotes pluggin from the JET api in App Studio. When running the onUpdate() function, I would like to extract row fields instead of formatted fields. I noticed that for some data I can extract the raw type but for others is not available. Example: if (updatedValues["CF_LAST"]) { var lastp_raw…