.NET Interactive OMM Provider using EMA
Hello, Just wondering whether it is possible to set up a .NET OMM interactive Provider using EMA, since I cannot find examples in the Github training tutorials? Regards, Moez
Getting Text Initialization timed out in EMA C++ Consumer program in RHEL 8.7/8.8
We have tried to deploy the EMA C++ Provider/Consumer on some RHEL 8.7/8.8 servers, with SDK version - Real-Time-SDK-2.1.0.L1. The test is to check the connectivity between the producer program and consumer program, and we launch them on the same machine for testing. We found that the consumer keeps getting Text…
Encounter Text Message Encoding Failure on client side
We have tried to deploy the EMA C++ Provider/Consumer on some RHEL 8.7 servers, with EMA version 3.6.5, and we got the following error on client side: loggerMsg TimeStamp: 20:04:36.916 ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient Severity: Success Text: Received ChannelUp event on channel Channel_1 Instance Name Consumer_1_1…
Getting out of buffer exception due to slow consumer (EMA C++ OMM API)
I'm building a interactive provider (EMA C++ OMM API) for streaming the market data to different downstream applications, which are Refinitiv Consumer, through TCP socket. I'm testing the scenario that how my provider behaves when I have very slow consumer connect to it. I found that the provider will throw an out of…
EMA C++ IProvider downloading dictionary from ADH over the login stream - RWFEnum not downloaded
Hi all, please help me with this issue. Context: EMA C++ based application, using an OmmProviderClient that downloads the Data dictionary over the Login connection. Issue: timeout while downloading the dictionary (RWFFld is downloaded, RWFEnum isn't). In the context of reqMsg for login request, the application starts the…
IProvider - Managing temporary unavailability of data
Hi, please help me with this case. Scenario: Interactive Provider providing data to downstream consumers. For reasons external to the application, the Interactive Provider may not have yet the items requested by the consumers (e.g. in startup scenarios). If in this timeframe requests are received, they are replied with a…
Port not closed after destroying OmmProvider
It seems that when the OmmProvider destructor is called, the server port is not closed properly. This causes some issues for us since we in the same process need to destroy and create the provider multiple times. Example code: #include <iostream> #include <chrono> #include <ctime> #include <thread> #include "Ema.h" using…
IP receives multiple close requests on same RIC
Hi, We have a couple of old IP's which use SSL and those are now due to be replaced with RSSL driven IP's. We noticed a strange behavior with the new RSSL IP's when requesting RIC's via either Eikon or a Reuters SDK/Script. Basically what happens is that if you request a RIC, let's call it RIC1. I can see us receiving the…
Multiple requestMsg for same streamId and RIC
Hi, please help me with the following issue. Scenario: EMA Interactive provider -> ADH -> ADS -> 2 consumers Consumer 1 starts and subscribes to a RIC. After some time, Consumer 2 starts and subscribes to the same RIC. On the EmaTrace of the provider side, I see 2 requestMsg coming from the ADH/ADS for the two consumers.…
IPublisher disconnected by ADH
I have an interactive publisher that works fine and publishes data all day long mostly. But only once or twice in the day, it gets disconnected by the ADH. I am not sure why the ADH disconnects us. The message in our logs says "ping error". On our server we dont see any high cpu or network and we are publishing messages to…
TREP 3.2 ADH clients unable to connect to Java-based Interactive Provider application that works ...
...with TREP 2.6 ADH clients We have a live Java-based Interactive Provider (server side provider with a single socket accepting requests from multiple clients) application that uses the following libraries from 2016 or earlier (legacy UPA Java API bundle):…
For interactive provider on Redhat Linux 6/7 upa8.0.0.L1.linux.rrg, is there a limit to the confi...
For interactive provider on Redhat Linux 6/7 upa8.0.0.L1.linux.rrg, is there a limit to the configuration parameter, maxfragmentsize? In our config value is 64K (65536). However, on connection ADH, we the value down-graded to default.
Interactive provider failed after TREP migration
Hi all, we have an ADH/ADS service for use with Interactive-Provider implemented on RFA 8.1. And for TREP and service have been setup via Reuters everything works fine on TREP 2.6.1. After reuters support migrateTREP to version 3.2. no one was able to bring up our service back to life. The reuters support team has checked…
Can multiple encoding threads allocate RsslGetBuffer with the same RsslChannel?
Given an Interactiver Provider with multiple encoding threads, can multiple encoding threads currently use the same RsslChannel in call to RsslGetBuffer()?
Interaction between API python and Eikon app
Hi everyone, I am quite new with the api and I am trying to do a responsive table which displays news : For that I fill a panda dataframe with the result of get_news_headlines() df_news = pd.DataFrame( ek.get_news_headlines( ric_value, date_from=start_date, date_to=end_date, count=100)) Then I would like to display the…