Delta Screening
In delta screening, is it possible to trigger webbook notification to clients by world check one system in case of any new risk data being updated for any already screened case.
Connect chart data to Quantower via API? Update Connector?
Hello, I would like to use indicators like volume and market profile and footprint charts, which Refinitiv doesn’t support. However, I have a lifetime license with Quantower platform which do have these features. I spoke with QT team to help me out To connect QT with Refinitiv via API so I can use their charting tools and…
message documentation
Where is the tick or realtime documentation with description for the format following: MARKETPRICE raw MP,REFRESH, raw MP,UPDATE, CLOSING_RUN raw MP,UPDATE,CORRECTION raw MP,UPDATE,QUOTE raw MP,UPDATE,TRADE raw MP,UPDATE,UNSPECIFIED
Field length different between image data and update data
Hi folks, I am using rfa8.1.0 C++ for encoding a field of RMTES_STRING with length of 255. The length of this field with RespMsg::RefreshEnum (image data) is corresponding to 256 while with RespMsg::UpdateEnum this field can be sent with a length much more longer (1500). Is there any explanation for this behavior ? Thanks,
Determining UTC datetime from QUOTE_DATE/TRADE_DATE and QUOTIM/SALTIM
We use Refinitiv RTO data for global strategies, so we need last trade and quote times in UTC. The SALTIM and QUOTIM fields are in UTC, but unfortunately, the TRADE_DATE and QUOTE_DATE fields are not UTC. They represent the "trading date," so for exchanges that are open across UTC midnight, these date fields roll over…
Not receiving update messages after refresh message
When I make a request, I receive only one Refresh message back and a update message comes with a 20 minute delay? Any thoughts?
How to Update a SinglePriceHistory Report Template using REST API?
Hello, I can't seem to succeed to update the Endate of my SinglePriceHistory ReportTemplate using REST API. I always get this error : {"error":{"message":"Validation Error:\r\n\r\nInternal constraint \"ReportTemplate.InvalidFieldsForAdjustedPrices\" execution failure: message='Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name:…
how to bind async handle on web socket python?
Hi refinitiv community I am using Rfinitiv connector client with asyncio and websockets (python) packages Trying to bind the update handler to async function so I can await other functions on processing. the refinitiv data package use synchronic handle_update function so I can not add the async one. existing call-back…
ADS Image and Update Rate per Service
Hi, is there a way to dump what the update rate and image rate is for a service on an ADS?
Filter only Trades from JSON Message with WebSocket API?
Hi, is the "UpdateType" Key a reliable source to filter only the Trade of a certain Instrument? Like this example: --> 20220406_14:54:08:627066 - {"ID":3,"Type":"Update","UpdateType":"Trade","DoNotConflate":true,"Key": <-- brgds MIchael
Websocket Update Message Frequency
Hi, I am listing to instrument updates in WebSocket channel. { "ID": 2, "Key": { "Service": "ELEKTRON_DD", "Name": "EUR=X" } } The endpoint is the same one on the test code provided. As explained in the documents, first I got the Refresh message. After that I got Update messages which is also the expected behavior. When I…
The meaning of ASK_TONE/BID_TONE field in Market Price update message
Would you be so kind as to help me with understanding of ASK_TONE/BID_TONE field meaning? The example of message: UpdateMsg streamId="89" domain="MarketPrice Domain" updateTypeNum="10" name="/TUIT.L" serviceId="902" serviceName="hEDD" Payload dataType="FieldList" FieldList FieldListNum="0" DictionaryId="1" FieldEntry…
crash when construct UpdateMsg with name field
My sample code as follows: { emaaccess::UpdateMsg msg; msg.name("hello"); fprintf(stderr, "process update msg with name:%s", msg.getName().c_str()); } The app will crash when calling getName(), why ? I already called name() function to set this field.
What updatetype should I be expecting for data updates from exchanges?
For example if I subscribe to <VOD.L>, <HSBAl.BS>, <C>, etc. What updatetypes will I be getting? I am aware that QUOTE, TRADE, QUOTES_TRADE, CORRECTION can appear. What about the others update types ? INSTRUMENT_UPDATE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; /*!< Not specified */ INSTRUMENT_UPDATE_QUOTE = 1; /*!< Quote */ INSTRUMENT_UPDATE_TRADE…
How to check whether Rmtes string contains partial update
We are implementing Rmtes string partial updates in our application and facing problems with testing it on rics ICAB[1-5]. Initial data snapshot contains proper data and looks like this (e.g. from fid ROW80_5): 1 Yr -07.25/-17.25 +13.50/+07.50 +15.25/+09.25 +09.25/+03.25 -20.75/-30.75 but in refresh message we are…