API query for Amortization schedule
Please provide API query for below Amortization Frequency CodeAmortization Frequency Code DescriptionAmortization TypeAmortization Type DescriptionAmortization Schedule Sample ISIN XS0180245515 XS0166025824 XS1171476739
Null Value First Notice Day for Future Contract and TermsAndCondition Template
requestUrl = r"https://selectapi.datascope.refinitiv.com/RestApi/v1/Extractions/ExtractWithNotes" # requestUrl = r"https://selectapi.datascope.refinitiv.com/RestApi/v1/Extractions/ExtractRaw" requestHeaders = { "Prefer": "respond-async", "Content-Type": "application/json; odata=minimalmetadata", "Authorization": "token " +…
REST API error message for ISIN DU00000COCHA reflecting as ISIN DU00000COCH3
Hi, Wanted to check on the below issue where using DSS REST API for ISIN DU00000COCHA, getting the error message reflecting as ISIN DU00000COCH3 not found under Terms and Conditions Report Template. I am using DSS Rest API extraction and Identifier List is having ISIN as DU00000COCHA which is a Dummy ISIN, however in the…
ISO Country Code and CFI code from DSS Terms and Conditions Request
Dear All, I want to pass two different request to DSS Terms and Conditions Request. In one request i want to pass ISO 3166 as Country code and get the response. In second request i want to pass CFI Code: Code indicating the ISO10962 standard for the security classification and get the reponse. I want to get the response…
I'm using Stored & Scheduled Workflow to download TermsAndConditionsReportTemplate. However, i am...
... facing problem in Step 3 which is to create the report template. i have no issue for TickSalesTimeAndSalesReportTemplate. POST: https://selectapi.datascope.refinitiv.com/RestApi/v1/Extractions/TickHistoryTimeAndSalesReportTemplates Request: { "@odata.type":…
Fixed Income instruments Terms and Conditions
We have a situation when requesting reference information for our Fixed Income instrument, our current process is to send a list of ISINs to the Historical Report, 99% there is enough information reported so we then send the same list of ISIN's to the Terms and Conditions report, what we have noticed is that it will always…
Null data extracted for given RIC EUR1YO=R
{ "ExtractionRequest": { "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.TermsAndConditionsExtractionRequest", "ContentFieldNames": [ "RIC", "Currency Code","Expiration Date","Security Description","Maturity Date", "Strike Price","MiFID Exercise Style","Sub-Class Notional Currency Pair","FX Type -…
DSS API: Fund Search
Hello, I'm trying to use the DSS Search API for specific funds, using the DomicileCode and SubType parameters. Is there a way to automatically and dynamically link the output of that search to a Report Template extraction (e.g. Terms and Conditions) in order to get a dynamic output? Thanks in advance and best regards,…
Stocks "not found" in DSS API Terms and Conditions request answer
Hi I am retrieving mostly bond data through the DSS REST API Terms and Conditions request, and it works fine. However, a user recently added 2 world known shares to the selection, the shares of the Swiss companies Nestlé and UBS. To my surprise, the answer to my request was "not found" for both shares. However, the T&C…
Problems with TermsAndConditions request
Hi I'm using the TermsAndConditionsExtractionRequest for the first time (I've used the Ratings request in the past without any problems). I send an instrument list with 256 ISINs, a field list with 45 field names, and I get: - the first time, ONE result row (instead of 256) ! - the second time, after having changed the…
Missing permissions for fields in TermsAndConditionsExtractionRequest
Hi, my user ID is 9020776 and I've recently queried this API with some fields for which I've received about (e.g. extraction request 337848407): * "lack of 'Non-Tick History Terms and Conditions' permission" and * "lack of 'GICS Industrial Classifications' permission" Can you please instruct us on how to request these…
Very long response time on query for Terms and Conditions
I am trying to use the Terms and Conditions API for finding the MIC for a list of RICS. The problem is that it takes a very long time before I receive a response. In average about 15 to 20 seconds. Can I do anything on my end to improve response time? I am using this endpoint:…
Filter out Continuation RIC in a Terms and Condition extraction request result
I'm doing a Terms & Conditions extraction request by specifying a filecode. The results returns Continuation RICs which is something I don't need (e.g. filecode 5002 and it returns YAPc1for example) - Which field should i use to identify a resulting JSON object as a Continuation RIC? - How do i specify a Terms&Conditions…
Does a Terms and Conditions Extraction Request Updated Field Exist?
Within DataScopeSelect's 'Extractions/Extract/TermsAndConditionsExtraction request, is there an option or place within the JSON to place a condition on when the record was updated to allow me to pull only recently updated records?
I receive empty file results for the following rest api in Java: @{"ExtractionRequest":{"@odata.type":"#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.TermsAndConditionsExtractionRequest", "ContentFieldNames":["Ticker","Coupon Type","Day Count Code","Coupon Rate"], "IdentifierList":{…