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Hello Team, Got this error during Run on Friday (15th Nov 2024), accessing "" SSLError(SSLEOFError(8, 'EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:1091)'))) Also following this error got one more error - DataScope Authentication failed…
Hello, I'm using the Refinitiv data library for python. In particular, I'm using the following function and have been getting some errors for too many requests. Using rd.get_history(), we were pulling data for a total of 6,458 RICs, separating the requests out into loops of 100 RICs and 3 fields. We've only submitted…
Hello, I'm using the Refinitiv data library for python. In particular, I'm using the following functions and have been getting some errors for too many requests. For and rd.get_history(), I've been getting: RDError: Error code 429 | Too many requests, please try again later. For rd.get_data(), I've…
Hello, I am trying to download hystorical data by using python Eikon API but I got this error message: 2024-05-13 08:24:22,509 P[5976] [MainThread 23728] Error code 429 | Client Error: {"message":"Too many requests, please try again later."} Wait for 56138 seconds. 2024-05-13 08:24:22,509 P[5976] [MainThread 23728] HTTP…
...uest rate too high." } While using for Authentication, I am getting error that Failed to get access token 429 - {"error":"429" ,"error_description":"Request rate too high." }, API is used for Authentication.
Hi. Now, with the phrase error 429, the get_data function is not working and the get_history function is not working. I saw other people's questions and they said it's because they sent too many requests I don't know what the criteria for many requests are. Currently, I am only working on inserting data through get_history…
Hi I can't access data through in Python can you please help? I dont want to wait for this long this is 12 hours approx. can you reset the time limit please? Error code 429 | Client Error: Too many requests, please try again later. Wait for 48703 seconds.
How is it possible to check data usage and see whether the limit is approaching?
Hi, it appears that the eikon python api has entered the next stage of pre-release today, where the App Key from beta program stops working. I generated a new App Key and found out the limit is different than the beta stage. In beta, "the request is limited to 300 rics per request. Intraday is limited to 3000 points, and…
We are repeatedly getting Error 429 (The API client is making too many concurrent requests, and some are being throttled.) to screening requests in Pilot. However there have no more than 6 at the time, which is considerably less than the suggested 50 limit. Is there a lower limit set for Pilot environment?
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