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Hello, I use the Java/RefinitivSDK in order to receive RealTime data from TREP. Once a RealTIme data is subscribed, the API notifies me through my implementation of the interface method OmmConsumerClient.onRefreshMsg(RefreshMsg refreshMsg, OmmConsumerEvent event) The RefreshMsg argument provides: the permission of…
I want to map users to correct PDP codes via permitted exchanges. I need access to PDP data
Hi, is there a tool to tell me which PDP codes are available for the below RICS? Thanks Security TypePostfixBrokerExampleForwards=TDRLTraditionBHD1M=TRDLForwards=ICAPICAPEUR1YE=ICAPOIS=BGCPBGCIN1YNDOIS=BGCPInflation Swap=TTKLTullett PrebonAUD1Y=TTKLForwards=CCMGClark Capital Management…
What is PE PDP in refinitiv terms pls explain with a simple example
I need to get a list of PE with all your attributes as PE CODE, DESCRIPTION, PROVIDER, COUNTRY, CONTENT SET. For example below: My question is: is there a API REST or SOAP that get a complete list of all PE and your attributes?
Hello, Please can you help me find a list of all PEs and PDP Codes - where to find please? Thank you, Paul
...very? Hi - using standard API playground and would like to include PE and PDP codes in my search response "View": "Quotes", "Query": "Lithium Carbonate", "Top": 10000, "Skip": 0 First hit: "BusinessEntity": "QUOTExCOMMODITY", "DocumentTitle": "MBI Lithium carbonate 99.5% Li2CO3 min battery Grade Spot Price range EXW…
When searching for historical data I came across the PE Code?
Hi, We have downloaded some fundamental metrics (BP,DY,PE) on a list of total market indexes ( TOTMKUS(BO) for example ). via Python API. But if we look at the values of these metrics downloaded one month ago, we see different values for the same date. We are aware that for these metrics, you provide two type of…
Is there a way to get TRKD search V2 to return the PE code on the Quote entities found ? If this is not possible how can I then ensure that returned quote entities from TRKD search are permissioned on the TRKD quote service ?
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