Error while running RTO: Item State: Closed / Suspect / None / 'Login stream was closed.'
I am making a batch request and calling consumer.uninitialize() in the end as part of cleanup. I do receive prices but then I get this warning and a close message for all my items saying login stream was closed. I am running my application on a trial license. Is this happening because I am on trial and there are no more…
Unable to find valid ceritication path to requested target (RTO (Real Time Optimizid))
Hello, I am trying to establish an RTO v2 connection using WebSocket with Java. I downloaded the class named "MarketPriceRdpGwClientCredAuth" from the following GitHub link:…
Why am I receiving a "onConnectError" even though I was able to obtain a token?
I am trying to comsume ric with RTO websocket (java). I made some improvements, but they were not sufficient, as I am still encountering the following error. For some reason, I cannot progress beyond obtaining the token. On the Fiddler side, I can only see the process up to the point where the token is retrieved. Do you…
Error occurred while running RTO consumer - Failed to request service discovery information.
Hi, I am using RTSDK for streaming real time prices but I get below error when I run my consumer. I am using Authentication version v2. I am able to successfully login using the curl command. I have required licenses also in place under my service account. Can you help why the failure. Is it something related to license…
RTO - Service Discovery via Delivery Direct
Hi LSEG, in a client environment it is required to connect a EMA based application to RTO via Delivery Direct. As a temporary solution to test a successful connection, the EMA application was using hardcoded values for host and port (EmaConfig-host-port.xml inside the attached zip). Thought not optimal, this configuration…
EMA: cannot authenticate towards RTO
Hello LSEG, we're working to setup an application based on the EMA C++ library for connections towards RTO. Context: * the execution environment is currently under investigations (with some of you guys from LSEG) for some network issues preventing a complete communication with RTO * recently, some issues have been resolved…
How to get ytd and ytdPercentage
Hi I'm searching for fieldIds which can return me the "ytd" and "ytd in percentage" values for example for Stocks and Bonds. My app is connection via the c# ema sdk to the RTO(Elektron_DD) service and I'm already getting other data like "NETCHANG1". I'm searching here for the fieldIds but I only found these two (3381…
Convert RefreshMsg(C++) to rsslRefreshMsg for encode then decode back
Hi I want to save RefreshMsg to file and later replay it, for chinese charactor, decode back with garbled charactor, can some one help figure out? Here is the code: cn_demo.txt
Stale data from real-time RD retrieval
Trying to update Python app on Windows to switch from RDP to RD library API. Using RD library version 1.1.0 and the following code to make real-time snaphot retrieval: import refinitiv.data as rd session = rd.session.platform.Definition('rd_PPE').get_session() rd.session.set_default(session) rd.open_session() response =…
LPC 1.4 password expiration?
A client is upgrading RTO version 1 to version 2 and is asking: We encountered password expiration issue on our LPC 1.2 MachineIDs earlier this year. It turns out those passwords expire after some time (3yrs?) and we were unaware, causing outage. Could you let us know : * Do passwords expire on PingIDs used by LPC1.4 ? *…
RTO upgrade - Developer box vs VMs
We have a client asking the following regarding their RTO upgrade to version 2. "With the new authentication, is it possible for us to be able to connect from a developer box, versus just the two VMs with the MachineID I had set up previously? It's very inconvenient for us to develop on our test VM as it is now being used…
LPC 1.4 Error 0012: Unable to load CURL
Hi. I have just install LPC 1.4 in RH 7. ./start_lpc works good but when trying to connect from client throws error: Text:Error querying service discovery: Failed to initialize RsslRestClient. Text: </local/jenkins/workspace/RRT LPC/OS/OL7-64/esdk/source/rtsdk/Cpp-C/Eta/Impl/Transport/rsslSocketTransportImpl.c:547> Error:…
Can the returned refreshMsg be encapsulated into a java entity class?
Can this returned message body be directly received by a Java entity class and encapsulated into an entity class? This is a code snippet. If it is encapsulated into an entity class, which class is it? It contains the following FieldList, FieldEntry, etc. balabala public void onRefreshMsg(RefreshMsg refreshMsg,…
Not receiving the "_on_message" message from Refinitiv WebSocket
Hello, While integrating and testing the connection through the new authentication method (v1 to v2), I came across a bottleneck unfortunately. The problem is as follows: The REST post request (v2) works and I can get hold of the token, but then I can't seem to make the socket connection work properly. The problem is that…
Question about 「Version 2 Authentication Streaming Workflow」
I have a question regarding 「Version 2 Authentication Streaming Workflow」link as below. https://developers.lseg.com/en/article-catalog/article/getting-started-with-version-2-authentication-for-refinitiv-real Question 1 : what is the meaning of session expiration ?