How does a UPA server handle duplicate login credentials from different servers?
We have a total of seven different UPA consumer applications each on a different server targeting a handful of different UPA servers. Until recently, we had five of these consumers all targeting the same UPA server (same IP/port configuration). Simply because it has worked historically, and because we did not want to break…
Help with segfault on rsslEncodeMapComplete after having added map summary data
Hi. I previously had an UPA server for testing that successfully was able to encode the Reuter's Domain Model Market By Price Refresh and Update messages. They were consumed successfully by an rssl consumer. I recently added summary data to the map that is the payload of this message. I didn't change the surrounding code…
Does the RDM Market by Order refresh/update payload contain ticks?
Currently, my application gets its understanding of ticks from the market price payload, setting the QoS rate to RSSL_QOS_RATE_TICK_BY_TICK and the timeliness to RSSL_QOS_TIME_REALTIME. The tick price and quantity come on the "LAST" and "TRADE VOL" fields. I am wondering if these fields are also placed in the payloads for…
when UPA/RFA will supports RHEL9?
Hi team, For ADH and ADS, when UPA/RFA will supports RHEL9? Thank you in advance for your help.
Under what conditions should I recall rsslConnect and/or rsslInitChannel for an RSSL Consumer in ...
...the event of disconnection? Hi, I am trying to flush out disconnect handling for an RSSL Consumer connecting to a UPA server and I have some questions. The connection type this question is relevant to is RSSL_CONN_TYPE_SOCKET. I am first wondering if there are any general guidelines on usage of rsslConnect and…
rsslEncodeFieldListComplete segfaults.
Hi. I am encoding a market price update message and rsslEncodeFieldListComplete receives SIGSEGV. Any ideas what the cause might be? As far as I can tell I am following the proper sequence of rsslEncodeFieldListInit, rsslEncodeFieldEntry, rsslEncodeFieldListComplete. In gdb, "disas" shows the following line where it…
Validation of RSSL Consumer application using a packet capture.
Hi. I am looking for more ways to test and validate my RSSL Consumer application. With many market data feeds, I am able to run a replay of the data to verify the application/parser works as well. Theoretically, were I to get permission to get a PCAP of a current RSSL consumer application we have interacting with a real…
rsslWrite return values.
I am facing an error where I am getting followiong return values from rsslWrite call: -2147483637 or -2147483549. Now the return from rsslWrite in is rtrInt32 (RsslRet), Are the above values returned because of rollover of 32 bits boundaries? Is it safe to assume that a negative value from rsslWrite is because of an error?…
Is there a way to request all symbols for Market Price request?
Hello, Based on my understanding of UPA RDM, it seems that if I want to request market price updates for a set of symbols, I need to either send a request per symbol, or send a batch request, where in either case I have to enumerate every symbol via RDM_INSTRUMENT_NAME_TYPE_RIC. Is there a way I can instead make this…
Is it safe/valid to construct our own RsslBuffers for encoding, decoding, and writing?
Hello. I am wondering if you could help clarify my understanding of RSSL and UPA, as well as answer a question. Say I am in a 64bit Linux environment, designing a C program with a single RSSL channel and two relevant threads, thread A and thread B. Say I have initialized RSSL on thread A with the rsslLocking parameter…
Documentation for UPA/ETA API for access to BDS RIC list
Client inquiring as to what documentation is available for subscribing (UPA/ETA C-language level) to be able to list predefined BDS instrument lists, and how to access SYMBOL lists with the same API.
Is Using UPA consumer not affected by RDFD provider replacing ELEKTRON?
We are getting Feed from RDFD (Tokyo Stock Exchange) using UPA C Edition 7.6.1, Using rsslConnect and rsslInitChannel and so on. The provider uses RDFD. But we need very low level connection. I have two questions. 1. What should we do when the provider replaces RDFD to ELKTRON. And Can you indicate any documantation for…
The library that we use is upaj7.1.E1.all. Are there any EOS/EOL schedule?
The library that we use is upaj7.1.E1.all. Are there any EOS/EOL schedule?
“Source Directory” messages specifically with the “Group Filter Entry”.
Client reached out with the following on how they should handle the following behavior: Having an issue with “Source Directory” messages specifically with the “Group Filter Entry”. My observation is that when a TREP server goes down (F9: Server has gone down) I’m receiving Group-Id’s with Status (non-merge) that are not in…
UPA API - Refresh message after market closure
Hi, We are using UPA 8.0.0 API to get real-time fids from an Singapore exchange. We noticed a refresh message with trade id 7702212543233789011 around 1 hour after market closure on 12 April 2023 (18:04 SG time). Please let us know in what situations Refinitiv send refresh message after market closure?