Obtaining a large number of LEIs from using PermID
I used OpenPermID's match function to match names to PermIDs in bulk, and I would also like to know the associated LEIs if possible. However from the documentation it seems the only available way to obtain it is by using the lookup function and checking 'tr-org:hasLEI', which would require a separate request for every…
Duplicated LEIS for different PERMIDs
We have noticed we have duplicated LEI data for different PERMIDS. It is always for branches of the same company; for example: 5087215441 and 4295862452 have the same LEI. What is the methodology behind LEI adjudication in PERMIDs? Thank you.
perform PERMID lookup on permid.org for futures contracts
Hello, I just had some questions about the permid interface provided at permid.org - we have a number of metadata files we pull from Datascope that include quote_perm_id fields - we would like to look up additional information about the RICs by using the permid provided, but they don't appear to return any results in the…
Lookups hanging on PermID website
This morning I'm getting a larger than usual number lookup failures on the PermID website. The requests just hang with the 3 diamond animation showing. Is there a general problem, or something specific? Here are some examples: ">https://permid.org/1-4295871573 Beijing Enterprises Holdings Ltd…
Unable to find "360 Energy Solar S.A." in permid API
Hi, I am unable to find a company with listed securities in the market in permId database: "360 Energy Solar S.A." website: https://www.360energy.com.ar/ anual report: https://ws.bolsar.info/descarga/pdf/409768.pdf instruments in the market: https://www.openfigi.com/id/BBG018K9ZQP6 Can you incorporate it in permid database?
Creating new PermIDs for entities without one?
Often times while using the Entity Search feature, I come across entities that do not have a PermID. What can be done in this case? Is there a way to create new PermIDs for these entities?
How is it possible two permids have the same associated LEI?
Both 5050918567 and 5040949940 permids return the same LEI value 549300PV16C2TA1DPA40, however in LEI it is only one company with different names. How is it possible to have more than one permid? Can you review, please? https://search.gleif.org/#/record/549300PV16C2TA1DPA40
Entity Lookup 401 Error
The code below used to work perfectly, now it is returing a 401 error. Any help would be appreciated. Note the API key has not expired. import requests import json import csv import re # def get_lookup_info(ticker, access_token): lookup_url = 'https://permid.org/'; headers = { 'Accept':'application/ld+json' } access_token…
Wrong ticker for Ball Corp
Hey all, Ball Corp has the wrong ticker in the PermID page. Correct ticker should be BALL, but it's been entered as BLL. https://permid.org/1-4295903520
How can I get a list of all companies with the RIC code available in the database (refinitiv and/...
...or datastream and/or permID)? Hello, I wanted to know if it was possible to get a list of all the companies available in the database (which preferably exists to date) and which have a CEO and CFO in the entity. I use Renitiv and datastream. Also, how can I get this list via permID? Thanks a lot,
Regarding the "1-" prefix in PermID: can this be removed while maintaining the integrity of the I...
...D? What is a use case for when the 1- is required? Basing this off the question asked in 2016: https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/7909/why-is-there-a-1-prefix-in-permid.html I'd prefer to keep the ID as an int-type, therefore removing the prefix. Thank you.
PermID: Entity search for currency spot and cross pairs
Hi, New here and new to PermID, so please feel free to redirect as necessary :) I've been investigating use of PermID, and have been using the Entity Search UI for my initial investigations; however I'm really struggling to find PermIDs for currency spot and cross pairs (e.g. NOK=, NOKUSD=). If I've understood the…
Name and code change has not been updated
ASX has registered a name change Sealink Travel Group on 5/11/2021, but this has not been changed in Refinitve. PermID.org is still referencing the old name/code
TRNA PermID daily mapping file
There is a daily permid to sedol/ric mapping file to download; howerev, when I process historical daily archived files, there are some perm ids in daily archive files do not exist in the mapping file. I assume permid is unique and never be re-used. Can you please add those missing permids into the mapping file.