I have very simple Python code that looks like the below. It has worked for a very long time but today started hanging regardless of what ticker is sent into it. Is this a known issue? Note: I asked on Refinitiv Live Chat and the person tried it using Codebook on their side, and got a "400 bad request error" after a long…
Currently, I am encountering an error when using either rd, or ld while making data requests through the API gateway. The error is: "LDError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'url'". Please assist me with this issue.
Hello all I am reaching out to try to solve an API problem, i am trying to retrieve a unique list of RIC/CUSIPS for multiple indexes using Chains. However i am getting different errors for different methods, could you help me with understanding of the feasibility of retrieving data through such methods? import lseg.data as…
I have a question regarding parameters. I found the start param is inclusive and the end param is exlusive on this forum, but I am unable to retrieve the data a s expected. df=get_history(universe= "MCU0", fields= ["OPEN_PRC","HIGH_1","LOW_1","TRDPRC_1","CASH_SETL"],start='2024/12/6',end='2024/12/10') [out] MCU0 OPEN_PRC…
Hello all, I am trying to download a list of index constituents using the eikon data API, however, i am getting a 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get' error for this code : import eikon as ek import pandas as pd from tqdm import tqdm # Import tqdm for progress tracking Your Datastream API keyapi_key = 'kEY ' Initialize…
Hi, I'm trying to get news headlines for a specific topic on python using eikon library, however, the news I get through the API are not the same as in the sreen of the desktop version. Im using the following function: ek.get_news_headlines('Topic:CBDC',date_from = start_date, date_to = end_date) but I only get a small…
Hi Team, Could you provide the details of where we can get index constituents and related fields in Refinitiv data api? Thanks, Varun Kumar Mishra
I need assistance with obtaining dividend data from various companies. Since not all companies pay dividends at the same intervals, it is most practical to calculate the total annual dividend. In the attached image, you can see that individual dividend payments are listed. However, I would like to display the summed annual…
What is the best and easiest way to create a single dataframe with time series of NAV of funds and close of equities or indexes using a lseg formula such as get_data or get_history ? i can't easily have both in the same dataframe. thks
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