Report dates for the balance sheet are wrong
Hello, Can someone help with this question coming from one prospect ? Thanks Hi, As mentioned in our conversation, so far I’ve been unable to get a balance sheet item (i.e Total Assets) with its associated actual report date. For some strange reason the data does come through but is not aligned properly. In the example…
M&A: Extracting acquirer and target security PermID and ISIN
Hi, I am extracting Deals for a specific number of firms based on their Company PermID using the following code: import eikon as ek import numpy as np import pandas as pd import csv as csv ek.set_app_key('APPKEY') PermIDs = [] with open('Firm_PermIDs.csv', newline='') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader: for x…
How can I get the following API data pulls to come out in dataframe format?
Here is the block of code I'm using, where "sublist" is a group of 100 ISINs timer = Event() while True: try: Output_df = [] for sublist in chunklist: data7, err =ek.get_data(sublist,…
Equity Option Chains Using Codebook
Trying to pull the full list of option contracts for a security such as Apple using the following: chain = rd.get_data( universe = ['0#/AAPL*.U']) chain.T This pulls approx 13 RICs under 'Instrument' LongLink. Is it possible to pull them all using just one chain in the query? I note that the method that was used with eikon…
ek.get_timeseries doesn't return a classical dataframe
Hi, I am using the eikon API for python. When I write the following script: ########################################## import eikon as ek TASA_BANREP = ek.get_timeseries(['aCOCBR'], start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, interval='monthly') df_TASA_BANREP = pd.DataFrame(TASA_BANREP['VALUE']) df_TASA_BANREP['VALUE']…
ek.get_news_headlines VALUERROR WHEN EMPTY
I have coded the following in Jupyter Notebook headlines_1 = ek.get_news_headlines(query="FXBUZ AND CORRECTED", count=20, date_from=date_from_str, date_to=date_to_str) Previously when I ran this, if the results were empty it would return and empty line. Now I get the following…
CDS Index Time Series via Matlab & Phyton API
I am using Matlab and the Python API in order to retrieve time series of spreads for CDS indices. The corresponding line of code is: [pylog,datarefinitiv]= evalc('py.eikon.get_timeseries(ric{iric},field,datestr(startdate,''yyyy-mm-dd''),datestr(enddate,''yyyy-mm-dd''))'); with: ric = cell array with the relecant RICs; iric…
Hi forum, I'm using the Refinitiv API for Python to retrieve ESG data and company fundamentals from Refinitiv. In order not to manually select all financials one by one I intended to use "TR.F.IncomeStatement", "TR.F.CashFlowStatement", and "TR.F.BalanceSheet" to retrieve relevant financials from the companies I have…
How to get coupon history for government bond with python?
Hello, Thank you in advance. with ek.get_data, how should I get a history of coupon payment during the time period for, let's say ric 105756CB4= which fields should I use? ek.get_data('105756CB4=' ,...)
why can't we get fx rate value in Sun/Sat by function ’ek.get_timeseries()‘
when we get fx rate historical data by eikon api, we find Data in Sat/Sun is not existed df = ek.get_timeseries(code, # fields=["OPEN", "CLOSE"], start_date=startDate, end_date=endDate, interval='daily', calendar=None, corax=None, normalize=False, raw_output=True)