Futures historical prices adjusted by ratio
How can I retrieve the continuous future adjusted by ratio in Eikon, for instance for CL1 contract?
Retrieve the constituents of a yield curve at a specific value date using Eikon Data API (Python)
This is a follow up to my earlier question https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/48802/retrieve-the-constituents-of-a-yield-curve-using-e.html As the constituents making up a specific yield curve like `0#AEURNFI` change over time, would it be possible to retrieve the list of yield curve constituents at a…
Instrument codes for Options on SOFR Futures
How do we find out instrument codes for Options on SOFR Futures? Example --- SRAU3 is a SOFR Future. How do we find the instruments for the call/put Options on this instrument? Thanks.
Why do I get "permission denied" as analyst and broker names, using eikon API in Python.
Hello, I am retrieving analysts' recommendations (1-5) for a set of companies, using my eikon API in Python. The data that I retrieve is historical, such that I want to know all the recommendations for a given company over the past 10 years. For about one third of the recommendations, I am able to retrieve the specific…
Download single contributor IBIS python api
Hello! I am working with the python API to get IBIS estimation of financial statements for some companies. In the codecreator, I can find information about the mean. However, I am interested in the distribution of forecast instead of one single indicator. For instance, I am interested in General Motors (GM) historical…
How to get fund issue date via Eikon API?
I want to get the fund issue date via Eikon API, but it returns empty, kindly help check if the field "ISSUE_DATE" is correct or not? Thanks. data, err = ek.get_data(instruments=['LP68728214'], fields=[ "TR.RICCode", "ISSUE_DATE" ]) Response: { "instrument": { "0": "LP68728214" }, "ricCode": { "0": "LP68728214" },…
Stock Screen for Inactive Stocks in a particular exchange
I am trying to screen for all stocks in a particular exchange, using the TR.ExchangeMarketIdCode. When I screen for active stocks, using the command below, it works. 'SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,primary))), IN(TR.ExchangeMarketIdCode,"XTAI"))' However, when I try to get the list of inactive stocks, using the following…
Rhistory in Python for various Instrument Type Codes
I have a list of RICS for which I would like to acquire the historic closing prices. They have various 'Instrument Type Code's (OPF, ORD, ELN, DEPOSITSHS, ADR, UNT, DEBENT, PREFERRED, SENIOR, CEF, ETFB, CUM, MMF, ETFE and ETFC). Basically I'm looking for the Date & OHLC for each of the RICS. I understand that not all of…
How to obtain Credit Ratings at a Specific Date?
I have a list of ISINs for which I would like to obtain the Fitch Long-term Issue Credit Rating at a specific date using the Eikon API. More precisely, I would like to obtain such rating for the 30th December 2022. I have tried using the following command: data, err = ek.get_data(instruments=AllISIN_test[0:1000],…
ESG Data Extraction through Eikon API
Hi team, Requesting assistance on the below query: What I need I to replicate the data I showed in the screenshot with the python API (Eikon python package). Currently I am usin the EIKON python package to retrieve ESG data from the API, I would like to include the source of the controversies in to the values of each…