Using Real-Time-SDK-2.1.2.L1 - where are the javadoc files? If they are intentionally omitted, please accept this as a suggestion to include them. Javadoc has been used for documenting Java API's since the early 2000's.
Hello, We are using the ETA C SDK, connected to RTDS to receive real-time data. A batch request is sent to subscribe for certain instruments. (like shown in TransportAPI_C_DevGuide 13.7.4) Closing stream-s is implemented as well. (like shown in TransportAPI_C_DevGuide 13.7.6) Is there any way to "add" RIC-s to an already…
I'm using the RTS ETA API to build a consumer application. When processing a Directory Refresh/Update is it possible to receive information for services with the same name but different service id's? If there are multiple services with the same name present, how should they be used? Should services be used in a round-robin…
Hello How are we going to receive FIXING prices? For example, for EURIBOR1YD= or EURIBOR3MD= which fields are we going to receive when daily FIXING prices comes. Many thanks Best Regards
Hi. I am encoding a market price update message and rsslEncodeFieldListComplete receives SIGSEGV. Any ideas what the cause might be? As far as I can tell I am following the proper sequence of rsslEncodeFieldListInit, rsslEncodeFieldEntry, rsslEncodeFieldListComplete. In gdb, "disas" shows the following line where it…
We are using ETA Watchlist api. We are able to connect to But while requesting endpoints through ServiceDiscovery, we are getting below response from Refinitiv, and we are not able to connect to any of the combinations from this. Could you please help us to…
Hi. I am looking to get a list of all RICs for Shanghai Stock Exchange equities and Shenzhen Stock Exchange equities. I have been referencing this article ( and I recently found this tool…
I have an RSSL Consumer client using the Reuter's Domain Model. I also have an RSSL Producer server that is part of a testing harness to test my client. The consumer is successfully able to login, request and process source directory information, and request and process dictionary information, and I have tested this…
I'm having an issue logging into my new RTO service account using v2 authentication and my Refinitiv representative asked me to post a question here. If this is the wrong forum for this question, could you direct me to where I should inquire ? I'm trying to connect using a Eta C consumer application. Ad s a sanity test,…
Client inquiry based on ETA C use for access to BDS-like list. Is a SYMBOL_LIST subscription just a layer on top of chains structure? For example if I subscribe to 0#CL: via SYMBOL_LIST domain will I just get the contents of rics 0#CL:, 1#CL:, etc in a RSSL_MAP format? Can I specify a PDP code when requesting a symbol…
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