How to best handle connection errors in Python?
Hi community! I am connecting to pricing streams using the LSEG Python library (version lseg.data==2.0.1) Here is a sample code. I am then able to register callbacks with the stream and listen to the data. session = ld.session.platform.Definition( app_key=api_key, grant=ld.session.platform.ClientCredentials(…
Getting latest data for continuous futures contracts
Using the lseg.data library, I would like to download the latest traded price TRDPRC_1 and settle price if available. I have access to historical data using ld.get_history() but mostly empty data sets using ld.get_data(). Can you confirm python script that should work for Cc1 and Sc1 and/or a way to see if our subscription…
How to Download ESG News from All S&P 500 Companies Using API
Hello, I am looking for a way to download ESG news for all S&P 500 companies using the Refinitiv Data Platform (RDP) API or the Eikon API. My goal is to retrieve articles, headlines, and any relevant information related to sustainability, governance, and ESG criteria for the companies in the index. Specific Questions:…
Issue with rd.get_data - Server Connection Problem
Dear Support Team, I am experiencing issues with server connectivity when using rd.get_data in Python to retrieve data via API. Recently, I switched the library from Eikon to Refinitiv. While using rd.get_data, sometimes the function returns data immediately, but other times it takes a long time to respond and eventually…
Cannot retrieve data
Hi Team, Please can someone check the below and provide resolution. *** EXTERNAL EMAIL *** Very good Denis – we’re definitely one step closer now. I’ve changed the password and… import lseg.data as ld APP_KEY = "ee1aca4f4d86445bb6d980c533b95686d86716b4" RDP_LOGIN = "cip@vitol.com" RDP_PASSWORD = "..." session =…
Open session failed
I want to access the IssueISIN via below code, but it reports that session is not created So I try to use below to open session, it reports that "Your credentials could not be authenticated"; I get the key from below, May know if I input the right key? O there is another key that I should apply for this purpose?
Workspace API: unable to connect anymore
Unable to connect using Workspace API since a few days. Was working fine before. Logs when working: 13:22:27.094 [Info] Library version: 1.0.0-beta5 13:22:27.094 [Info] .Net runtime: 4.0.30319.42000 13:22:27.094 [Info] .Net version: 4.8.9290.0 13:22:27.116 [Info] Successfully loaded the Stream:[internal] configuration…
Pulling Cotton Continuous data
Hi I have this code, it doesn't pull the EXPIR_DATE and CRT_MNTH prior to 2021, please fix it import lseg.data as ld import pandas as pd ld.open_session() continuous_rics = [ "CTc1", "CTc2", "CTc3", "CTc4", "CTc5", "CTc6", "CTc7", "CTc8", "CTc9", "CTc10" ] df_continuous = ld.get_history(continuous_rics, 'EXPIR_DATE',…
Unable to retrieve TR.FiCountryName field with a platform session
Hi, I've run into an odd issue where I cannot run the following Python line below under a platform session. Time series values and other fields such as TR.InstrumentDescription work fine. Permissions team says permissions are correct. rd.get_data( [ 'US10YT=RR', 'CA10YT=RR', 'GB10YT=RR', 'DE10YT=RR', 'EU10YT=RR',…
Calculation of FX Forward start date and Maturity date
Hello friend, I'm using Workspace Codebook to calculate FX forward start date and maturity date. I remembered that we have adfin function is something like FxCalcPeriod() to get the Maturity Date of FX forward if I provide the currency pairs, Start Date, and Tenor as input. Do we have a similar script for Codebook? Thanks…