When using lseg.data.content how can I control the type conversions occuring for response fields ? For example : import lseg.data as ld universe = ["/SOGN.PA"] fields = ["BID", "ASK", "CURRENCY", "RDN_EXCHID", "QUOTE_DATE", "QUOTIM", "QUOTIM_MS", "QUOTIM_NS"] stream = ld.content.pricing.Definition(universe = universe,…
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import plotly.graph_objects as go import lseg.data as ld from plotly.offline import plot import cufflinks as cf # Cufflinks import configparser as cp import time all_data = [] for i in range(0, len(RICS), batch_size): batch = RICS[i:i + batch_size] data = ld.get_history(…
I tried to get some data using lseg-data 2.0.1 with "fundamental_and_reference". The result obviously contains some <NA> values. I got the message: "FutureWarning: Downcasting object dtype arrays on .fillna, .ffill, .bfill is deprecated and will change in a future version. Call result.infer_objects(copy=False) instead. To…
Hello, Is it possible to use Python to download all companys' earnings conference call transcripts through Refinitiv Workspace at once? Although I found that some answers said no, I just want to double-check whether it is updated. Thank you very much!
Hello, I ran into the following error today: {'error': {'id': '3a4945f9-f869-4b70-9108-c4022368608a', 'code': 'QpsCommon.ERROR_BACKEND_ACCESS_FAILURE', 'status': 'Service Unavailable', 'message': '[QpsDps] I/O error on POST request for "https://qps-dps-use1.int.refinitiv.com/pricing/prepare": Read timed out'}} My code was…
Hello, Our teams have recently migrated from using Eikon to using Workspace. Because of this our IT Tools also need to be updated to work with Workspace. Previously, we were using the ThomsonReuters.DataAccess library for C#. We had to migrate to LSEG.Data and LSEG.Data.Content (using a DesktopSession). Our scripts now run…
Hello LSEG Development Community, I am seeking assistance and clarification on using the refinitiv.data library in a headless server environment. My goal is to establish a session and retrieve historical data from the Refinitiv Data Platform using the refinitiv.data Python library. However, despite various troubleshooting…
Hello, On sending any pricing request via the LDP API in a local Python environment (i.e. in VSCode which is outside of Codebook), I receive the following debug error message: [2025-02-15T17:05:49.740994+00:00] - [DEBUG] - [sessions.platform.ldp.0] - [132056015177280] | Msg-Proc-ThreadOMMSTREAMING_PRICING_0.0…
I run the following code in codebook and it’s fine: import refinitiv.data as rd from refinitiv.data.content import pricing contract = 'CL' rd.open_session() ice_oil = ['LCO', 'LGO'] chain = pricing.chain.Definition(name=f"0#/{contract}:").get_stream() chain.open(with_updates=False) chain.close() if contract in ice_oil:…
I am using Refinitiv Data Platform libraries for .Net through Desktop session. It works fine usually but sometimes Refinitiv workspace gets hang and I start receiving backend error: 400 bad request. It doesn't work even after service restart and machine restart also. During this process, I receive below error sometimes:…
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