Hello! I need to stream data for multiple chains in RDP. It seems that contrary to the Pricing stream where multiple RICs can be added using IPricingStream.AddItem(), IChainStream seem allowing only one RIC in the Definition while defining the stream. Is there a way to request multiple chain RICs on one stream? The need is…
I am trying to retrieve the 'CONDITIONS' data when calling rd_getHistory with the Time and Sales ("tas") interval for equity instruments: df = rd.get_history(universe, start = "2024-07-18T13:30:00.000", end = "2024-07-18T20:00:00.000", fields=["TRDPRC_1","TRDVOL_1","CONDITIONS"], interval = "tas") In Workspace if I display…
...ward at once fwd_contract = cross.Definition(fx_cross_code='GBPCNY', fx_cross_type='FxForward', legs = [cross.LegDefinition(start_date='2024-06-30T00:00:00Z', tenor='3M')]) response = fc.get_cross_analytics(fwd_contract, fields = ['StartDate', 'EndDate', 'FxSwapsCcy1Ccy2', 'FxOutrightCcy1Ccy2']) print(response.data.df)…
I am migrating a solution from Eikon to Workspace. Here is code to pull some daily bars: import sys import refinitiv.data as rd import pandas as pd import datetime rd.open_session(app_key =<>KEY) Symbol_T = sys.argv[1] Date_T = sys.argv[2] universe = [Symbol_T] df = rd.get_history(universe, end = Date_T,…
hello when i query refintiiv data for the market cap TR.CompanyMarketCap for cusip: 117043109 i get back <NA> in refinitiv workspace DIB i see a real number here what is giong on?
I am trying to identify way how we can identify if a index is ticking real time or not. Is there a datapoint which provides the last tick time? Also if the index is decimating the stale value how can that be identified ? Is there a datapoint which would tell us if the index data is stale and the exchange is open ? I am…
I have a client trying to migrate from Eikon Data API to the RD Library. He has been successful in transitioning the code besides when obtaining option chain data. They are able to run the query in Codebook but when they try to run the query locally, they get this error "StreamingChain :: waiting to update because chain…
Fields related to the median industry (found in Codecreator) are giving me error 414. Is it something related to these fields or what is the reason? Any alternative would be appreciated. from refinitiv.data.content import fundamental_and_reference fields = [ 'TR.MedianIncAvailToComExclExordItemsMargPct',…
Client was able to get that Ownership Summary data from the following code. # LOCATION import refinitiv.data as rd import pandas as pd b = ['SetLabel(TR.InstrStatLocationId,location),SetLabel(TR.InstrStatLocation,locationName)', 'SetLabel(TR.CategoryInvestorCount,investorCount),SetLabel(TR.CategoryOwnershipPct,os)',…
can you give me the code to print the list of tickers from an ETF called XBI
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