Greetings, I am currently involved in a project that necessitates the retrieval of data pertinent to delistings. For this purpose, I am utilizing the 'TR.MnAHasBankruptcy' and 'TR.PPBankruptcyFilingDate' fields to ascertain whether a company has filed for bankruptcy. However, I have encountered an issue wherein the…
Hi there, i want to know how to filter out by using searchlight endpoint for top5 Issue amount of US corporate bonds (Apple as an example) Thanks for your help in advance.
I am trying to get price data in Office 365 Excel for ARKB which launched backed in February together with a collection of other Crypto ETFs. For some unknown reason ARKB does not correctly list. There a MS Tech Community to shows the failure but to date no solutions or suggestions have developed.…
Client been asked to upgrade their existing version of java which supports the News process to a new version. Their current java version is jdk1.8.0_131 and we need at least jdk1.8.0_381. What is the latest version that the ANS can support?
Hello, I would like to know how I can select filters for my research regarding the impact of ESG factors in M&A transactions, initially for a general search, then for a comparison between Asia, Europe, and America, and subsequently for an analysis between sectors. Finally, I would like to compare the ESG scores of the…
Hi, when using the DIB, i get a bunch of field names available for a particular instrument and its value. i get a similar info when using get_data() whn not defining any field names, which is good and a great step forward. however, in DIB there is also a neat little description area for the particular field name with a…
Urgent!!! Hi team, client is having an issue connecting to mrn archive host I've attached error message and could you help with the reason? I tried Filezilla connection is fine. Thanks team.
Hi, I want to get holdings-statements data from the RDP API, using the .NET library, but I don't manage to get a successful response. The way I request data is: EndpointRequest.Definition(url).Properties.BodyParameters((JObject)JToken.FromObject(holdingsStatementsRequest)).GetData(); Where holdingsStatements is the object…
How can I query Market Holiday API with time rage (e.g. for this year and next year) in websocket API? Using this request message: { "ID": 2, "Streaming": false, "Key": { "Name": [ "US/HOLIDAY", "FR/HOLIDAY", "DE/HOLIDAY" ], "Service": "IDN_RDF" } } This returns only messages for current year but I need data for next year…
Hi, i've got an issue downloading historic data for economic indicators. my code is this: df = rd.get_history( universe=['aUSSPDIVY'], interval="monthly", start="1924-03-01" ) print(df) aUSSPDIVY VALUE Date 2022-05-31 1.567599 2022-06-30 1.641982 2022-07-31 1.64768 2022-08-31 1.560287 2022-09-30 1.69635 2022-10-31 1.767346…
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