Hi team, Can you please advise if SDK 1.2.9 is still supported, if the anser is Yes, can you please advise when does it set to expire ? Regards, Ronen
Hi team, RIC <MRN_STORY> We are getting streamed articles for the Swedish language, but not for English We have verified that both the TREP servers and the application are receiving the same articles, all in Swedish (SV) as the language. Additionally, there is only one client subscription code configured on the application…
I am looking at an extraction request based upon: { "ExtractionRequest": { "@odata.type": "#DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.TickHistoryRawExtractionRequest", "IdentifierList": { "@odata.type": "#DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.InstrumentIdentifierList", "InstrumentIdentifiers": [ {…
Hi, we'd like to write a data publisher to TREP using RTSDK. This publisher will receive streaming data, do some translation and then publish the data to TREP. We started with using the NonInteractive Provider since we need this process to publish data whenever it receives it. But during testing, we can't see the data in…
It seems the "Msg" lacks "extendedHeader" Data from 2nd. Feb. 2025. May I please know if the message format has been updated?
Hi Team, can you provide me a example Java code to decode a DACS lock. Best Regards Michael
Hi, I am trying to download the polling data (average and smart economics for the ticker above). There are a lot of fields in the TREP feed we have and they seem to be changing with time making it difficult to actually look at this data proper. Is there any way I can : know the fields I need to query for ? know where the…
Hi, Can you tell mw where I get the client_id & client_secret so i can use the swagger on the API Playground. I have a username and password. Thx
According to the RTSDK C++ Installation Guide, cmake can be used to build the EMA C++ Package. I installed CMake3.24.1 and Python3, but failed to achieve that. The CMakeOutput shows : Call Stack (most recent call first): D:/anaconda3/Library/lib/cmake/GTest/GTestConfig.cmake:32 (include) CMake/rcdevEnvironment.cmake:125…
Hi All, I got a NIP service that sends this example 7byte number 1731027600945646903 to a field capable of RWF length of 8 which I assume means 8 bytes as well so it should fit within the range just fine. LASTUPDATE "LASTUPDATE" 20101 NULL INTEGER 15 UINT64 8 However ADH cache truncates the data stating it is to large. Any…
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