Hi, here are the logs from our one of our snkd processes: Mar 14 17:10:54:Usage data was lost due to: Cannot open the DACS lock file - /usr/agent/dacs.usagelock Which have another snkd which is running fine. The interesting thing is that we have set the path for this dacs.usage file on our TREP configuration file rmds.cnf…
dear support, when I execute the getSiteListExample.py example, it fails with following error: M:>M:\DACS\getSiteListExample.py (dacsAdministratorLogin){ aAdministratorName = None aAdministratorPassword = None } Traceback (most recent call last): File "M:\DACS\getSiteListExample.py", line 26, in <module>…
I am looking for a way to automate the process of retrieving the usage reports (generated in DACS) with the DACS WS API. I could not find a respective GET method in the API manual I did not find any instructions / posts on the Developer’s forum explaining how it could be achieved (besides a single one where it was…
Hello, We would like to use SBE with DACS, but we are not sure about the configuration to do in the UI. We created the below service, then we added a product and an item to it and finally we granted right to a user : : But when we do permission testing we have the following : Are we missing something ? Is there a specific…
Hi, We faced a Runtime Exception recently which causes our application to stop working abruptly and we had to restart the application manually and everything started working smoothly after that. I am sharing the chain of event with logs we faced that time for your reference. 1. We got a “Login stream was closed” error…
Hi, I am testing your example https://developers.lseg.com/en/api-catalog/refinitiv-real-time/dacs-station-api/quick-start but I keep get: urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403 I have my dacsLogin and pw created. Is something required on the server side or internal corporate firewalls? Kind regards, Johan
I am trying to use the DACS Station Soap API on DACS 7.7. This DACS has been running fine with our RTDS for some time, and I now want to try automate our usage of DACS using Python on Linux. I have looked at the code examples, but when logging in, I get the following error: from suds.client import Client url =…
How to check which PEs are available for users in DACS or DACS WS?
Hello Team! DACS STATION API PYTHON EXAMPLES Please advise where I find description of _dl, _ds, _dud, client.factory.create, etc. ?
Hi Team! We are using Python script for user creation in DACS with SOAP requests. Please advise which values need to use for below to set Eikon Sync: No, User Type: Application. mAsUserTypeSet mAsUserType mEikonSyncDismissSet mEikonSyncDismiss
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