I did ask this question earlier, however the response received did not solve the problem. in the code below, when i use, "TimebarPersistence": "false", i still receive carried over values (i would not expect to see quotes on Saturday and Sunday). note: ticker1 is defined as "JPY="…
I am trying to obtain currency tick history, for example last 5 years of 1 minute Open, High,Low, Close for USDZAR. the documentaion seems to be fairly dated on how to set up the request (how do i obtain a token) and how do i structure the query to create a dataframe with DateTime Index, and the columns populated with…
Hello Team! A client is asking what the steps are to connect TH API to Geneva & Paxus API. This is what the client sent: "Please provide details on the technical side of connecting the Tick History account to Geneva and Paxus and identify any potential issue." Regards.
I am trying to run the Python sample script "TRTH_OnDemand_IntradayBars.py" come under the REST API example. I am able to retrieve teh authentication token (screenshot removed for confidentiality reasons) But then I am getting the following error messages Can you please help?
I am using Matlab to connect to the Datascope API (TRTH). When I try to pull a year's worth of timeseries, intraday data using the below code, I get back two days of data rather than the requested year's worth. I am not specifying an interval in order to get back unaggregated results. I have tried putting in two digits on…
According to Refinitiv Official Document, it says below Is Option data included in this definition? For Instruments that are traded/quoted round the clock (i.e. FX, money market, commodities & energy, OTC fixed income, and global futures, etc.), present-day’ data is released with below 5 Release Cycles in UTC Time Zone:
This question is from an existing TIckHistory user, Nikko Fund Wrap. They would like to use TickHistory Stored & Scheduled workflow. Please advise how they can set date range condition as delta/relative queries. We checked API user guide, but can only found date range query settings for the workflow on page 69 of the API…
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate used to secure the DataScope Select and Tick History web site and API endpoints accessed via the Internet and private network connections (DDN/FCN). When client certificate expired; they did not received any error for Authentication Token Request. However While extracting the data…
Hi, I am trying to use DataScope REST API to retrieve Market Maker and Market by Order data via Tick History. I tried both `TickHistoryMarketDepthExtractionRequest` as well as `TickHistoryRawExtractionRequest` templates, but both fail to expand to any RICs. Request URL:…
...tion notes ###Step 3: send an on demand extraction request using the received token requestUrl='https://selectapi.datascope.refinitiv.com/RestApi/v1/Extractions/ExtractRaw' requestHeaders={ 'Prefer':'respond-async', 'Content-Type':'application/json', 'Authorization': 'token ' + token } requestBody={ "ExtractionRequest":…
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