Dear all,
Note: I am very new to using Refinitv so bear with me if these questions are very basic.
I am currently working with a sample of ISIN codes that I retrieved from Screener in Excel earlier. This was my code:
=@TR("SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active or inactive,public,primary))/*UNV:Public*/), ANY(TR.AnalyticGHGEmissionsIndirectScope2(SDate=0,EDate=-21,Period=FY0,Frq=FY)>=0), ANY(TR.AnalyticGHGEmissionsDirectScope1(SDate=0,EDate=-21,Period=FY0,Frq=FY)>=0), IN(TR.HQ"&"CountryCode,""US""), CURN=USD)";"TR.CommonName;TR.AnalyticGHGEmissionsIndirectScope2(SDate=0,EDate=-21,Period=FY0,Frq=FY);TR.AnalyticGHGEmissionsDirectScope1(SDate=0,EDate=-21,Period=FY0,Frq=FY);TR.HeadquartersCountry;TR.ISINCode";"curn=USD RH=In CH="&"Fd;CalcDate;rfperiod")
I would like to match these ISIN codes with their emissions data and accounting data (over 22 years, so a time series data set). However, I am stuck at two points:
1. I would like to get GHG emissions on scope 1 and 2 (and potentially scope 3 but that is not necessary). However, I can only find emissions scaled by revenue or year-to-year changes. I have looked online but cannot seem to find documentation that says there is also a measure on unscaled emissions available.
2. Suppose I have found this measure (and if not: I will use the one scaled by revenues), next I would like to retrieve for each ISIN code, this measure for the last 22 years. I did so using the formula builder:
=@RDP.Data($A$4:$A$1156;"TR.CO2IndirectScope2";"SDate=0 EDate=-21 CH=Fd RH=IN";C2)
The problem is, how do I match this data to other data from Refinitiv on a MONTHLY basis? The data above is on an annual basis, but it doesn't include a column with dates. Ideally, I would like to add stock returns on a monthly basis, and other company-specific factors (think about revenues, company size etc.).
Any help would be much appreciated and let me know if anything is unclear!
Thank you.