I am using Eikon Refinitiv in Excel as add-in.
Office 365.
Windows 10.
I have a workbook with numerous worksheets, in which there are Refinitiv formulas. There are two types of formulas used:
1) Screeners in the form of formula TR(Screen.
2) data retrieval in form of RHistory.
3) data retrieval in form of TR
When trying to run the following macro I do not get results for all interations (manually I get results for each date) or when data is retrieved through macro it shows bad results (not the same when I carry out calculations manually instead of by macro).
It seems as if the Refinitiv formulas do not refresh properly. I tried different time intervals for Application.Run "EikonRefresAll",True (from 30000 to 300000) with no positive solution.
Please let mi know what formula should I use to update Refinitiv formulas in workbook, so that I do not have to manually perform 28 calculations each time for different dates analyzed.
Sub new_macro()
Dim licznik_dat As Integer
For licznik_dat = 1 To 28
Worksheets("DATES TO BE CHECKED").Range("C2").Offset(licznik_dat - 1, 0).Copy
Worksheets("Choose").Range("C7").PasteSpecial xlValues
Application.Run "EikonRefreshAll", True, 30000
Worksheets("DATES TO BE CHECKED").Range("D2").Offset(licznik_dat - 1, 0).PasteSpecial xlValues
Next licznik_dat
End Sub