Migrate from RFA Java to EMA
Hi we are migrating our application using RFA to the strategic APIs, specifically EMA. Where can we download the EMA libraries to start development? Also can we get this from Maven repo and which version do you recommend? Thanks.
How to configure endpoint in LSEG Python library?
Hi community! I am trying to find more information about how best to configure the lseg data library for Python. I am interested in connecting to an AWS endpoint that is closest to my servers. How can I configure this? I am familiar with service discovery, but I cannot seem to find a way to change the configuration of the…
What is the syntax to use Percent changes on Estimate/Fundamental Data Items
Hi, We have an excel syntax for percent changes. Example: =@RDP.Data("AAPL.O","PERCENT_CHG(TR.FCFMean(Frq=FY SDate=0 EDate=4),wsize=-3)","Frq=FY SDate=0 EDate=4 Period=FY1 CH=Fd RH=IN",H35) How do we code this in Phyton? Regards, Dan Gabriel
Fixing lseg-data and refinitv-data missing modules?
I am trying to install lseg-data and/or refinitiv-data into a new python environment. Pip install lseg-data and/or pip install refinitiv-data works fine. The environment is new/clean, and i am ignoring caches. However, when i test the library in pythond as follows (just testing the package, not even at the session start…
How To Connect to News With Python
Hello, I am trying to connect to RDP news directly in python without having the terminal in the same machine. import lseg.data as ld import os os.environ["LD_LIB_CONFIG_PATH"] = r"C:\\Users\\padadmin\\PycharmProjects\\pythonProject\\Repos\\pwm-pad\\APIs\\Configuration" ld.open_session() Where I have the json file like…
Accessing Mutual Fund / ETF Data (e.g. NAV) via LSEG Data Library
Hi, I previously used the Eikon Data API in Python to retrieve historical data for mutual funds and ETFs, including NAV prices. Since this API is being deprecated, I have started working with the LSEG Data Library and successfully opened a session. However, I have not been able to retrieve NAV or similar data for mutual…
Help, Where can I download ema.so and eta.so?
I’m developing a Java application to publish market data to TREP. After reading some documentation, I found that I need to use the following JAR files: ema-, logback-classic-1.2.11.jar, eta-, logback-core-1.2.11.jar, slf4j-api-2.0.16.jar, and json-20240303.jar. The documentation also mentions that I…
Client is asking below. Eikon Data API and WS API returns different data types. To be very specific, for the code mnaratioofenterprisevalueateffdatetoebit: Eikon API returns a float (correct) WD API returns a time stamp (incorrect)
Switched to using EmaConfig.xml to handle multiple hosts fallback, but it led to slower processing.
Earlier we used to point to a single host using the config.host() api in the EmaFactory.createOmmConsumer. But recently we planned to use the EmaConfig.xml file to handle auto fallback using multiple hosts. But that has significantly increased our processing time. We are seeing a lot new xml logs, which weren't there…
Why am I getting "An exception occurred: Error code -1 | The read operation timed out" error message
I'm using refinitiv data library in python and with a platform session and keep getting this error: An exception occurred: Error code -1 | The read operation timed out
. I'd like to know what I did wrong. Full error message: An exception occurred: Error code -1 | The read operation timed out. Code: My complete code does…
Cause for items/RIC drop from subscription "Cancelling" on EMA client
What could be triggering or causing these item drops from subscription? When this occurred, there is no channel disconnect between the client and server ads. The connection is persistent but the RICs drops and resubscribed multiple times. 2025-03-24T08:00:31.061Z : INFO: Subscribing…
Why is the fperiod not properly aligned with the values?
I'm having problem when downloading financial income data. For this example in the code below, the "Financial Period Absolute" (fperiod) is not properly aligned with the true financial data. We can see that on "TR.F.OperProflnOpCASR | XEBT", there are 2 values on FY2024Q4, but it should be one value for FY2024Q4 and…
I can not generate an API key in App key generator app in WORKSPACE
Any idea how to fix this? Not sure if WORKSPACE SDK.
lseg data platform session api
I am experiencing an issue with the LSEG Data Library where my code retrieves data successfully when using Refinitiv Workspace, but when I switch to a platform session (platform.ldp), I receive empty DataFrames for the same requests. Details: * Working Setup: Using Refinitiv Workspace, my get_data() requests return the…
get_lots_of_data function for the Pyhton LSEG Data Library
Could you please provide some function using the Python LDL's get_data for lots of data, specifically, lots of instruments?