Hello, I'm using OpenDACS .NET,
And I need to verify the permissions of the end-users of my application for the data that I'm providing,
For that I believe that I need to use CBE (Content Based Entitlements) subscription check.
Exploring the CBE, I faced some parameters:
The serviceName is "ELEKTRON_AD", which is verified, because when I put others I get rejected.
Also, the position which is basically the user <ip address>/net. I have an appId as well.
But regarding itemName, I don't know what is this, at first I believed it to be the ticker, for example: "912828YB0=RRPS", but when I put a random number, I'm getting authorized as well. Could you maybe give an example and explain why am I getting authorized for random itemNames?
Also regarding the PeList, how do I find exacly which PE's do I need to check? I know we are going to fetch CME futures, bonds etc, but how do I map it exacly so I check the user properly.
Couple more technical questions:
- As I'm going to have multiple users connecting to my application, I need to login each one and check it's permissions multiple times. Is it a good practice to reutilize the EventQueue, AuthorizationSystem and AuthorizationAgent across DacsClients ?
- Does the user login have an expiration ? Or can I login them once and save in cache to check permissions?
Thank you,