Hello, I am using the Eikon API to retrieve data from the I/B/E/S database. I am looking at the field TR.ROEEstValue, instrument DBKGn.DE. From the Eikon GUI, I see that the following date attributes are available: "Date", "Activation Date" and "Stop Date". What are the corresponding the corresponding attributes in the API?
My guess would be that the "Announcement date" attribute in the Eikon GUI is identified under the name "date" (e.g. TR.ROEEstValue(Period=FY1).date) in the API and the "Activation Date" instead under the name "origdate" (e.g. TR.ROEEstValue(Period=FY1).origdate). Would you confirm this? What is the name attribute for "Stop Date" in the API (if it exists)?
Thanks a lot!