I am trying to get historical prices data of a germany government bond with the get_timeseries() method but I am not able to get the prices. I can only get CLOSE, OPEN, etc. The values of these fields are between -1 and 1, and the bond prices quote around 100 (so nothing about prices). Is there any posibility to get these prices from Python? This is the line of code I'm using (for getting all the posible files):
data = ek.get_timeseries('DE110242=', start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date)
and i need a DataFrame with two columns: dates and the close mid prices of this bond.
Additionally, i try to get this info with the method ek.get_data() but in this form, i dont obtain the field 'Date' and i can't differenciate the bond prices for differents trading calendars, and with the method get_timeseries() i can do it. I need the answer as soon as possible, please.
Thank you so much.