In the interactive mode of the sink_driven_src playback tool, there is an 'r' menu which allows me to select some 'random actions'. Unfortunately, I have been unable to find any documentation about the random_actions, enable_random_renames, and enable_random_groups commands.
Based on their names, I thought that perhaps enable_random_groups would tell the tool to insert random group state changes or group id changes as described in the RDM Usage Guide, Section, "Source Directory Group Filter Entry". This would be very useful for testing, as these events are unlikely to occur frequently or predictably in a normal stream.
However, I've tried enabling all of these commands and re-capturing the resulting output with rmdstestclient; but I am unable to see any evidence of said 'random actions' -- no RSSL_DMT_SOURCE messages, for instance.
What should I be expecting to see? What exactly are these commands capable of? Are they documented anywhere?
I am running 'sink_driven_src version: trep3.2.1.L1.B1 (ssl 6dfee57)'.