Time for updating the trade date in the datascope response.
{ "IdentifierType": "Ric", "Identifier": "AUD=", "RIC": "AUD=", "Asset Type Description": "Money Market", "Security Description": "Australian Dollar/US Dollar FX Spot Rate", "Trade Date": "2025-03-26", "Bid Price": 0.6297, "Ask Price": 0.6301, "Mid Price": 0.6299, "Universal Ask Price": 0.6301, "Universal Bid Ask Date":…
ERROR: 'Attempt to submit initial RefreshMsg with service name of XYZ that was not included in th...
...e SourceDirectory Hi, I am trying to publish data to our Local TREP infrastructure but I am getting the following error and not sure what it means. Can you please help? Exception Type='OmmInvalidUsageException', Text='Attempt to submit initial RefreshMsg with service name of XYZ that was not included in the…
API for realtime exchange rate
Hi, i am confused with lot of documentation and lot of information. Our client has subscribed to "Refinitiv Real-Time" and we able to connect to Websocket API (https://developers.lseg.com/en#t-realtimesdkandwebsocket). This is a streaming technology where the client gets realtime feeds from server. But, what we are looking…
Is it possible to get a list of all instruments available for subscription on Reuters Elektron?
Hi, We are using Elektron Message API C++ edition. We just wonder, if there is a way to retrieve all available instruments that our data feed (using Reuters Elektron API) can subscribe to? I mean, is there any available API call? Any suggestions? Thanks Regards
Testserver interactive mode
Testserver Interactive mode? Hi all May i know how can i enable testserver interactive mode? to increase the update rate from time to time? in the documentation of testserver, it doesn't test which flag to enable interactive mode…
OmmConsumer submit PostMsg error (java EMA 3.7.0)
Hi LSEG support, Try to get consumer to submit PostMsg to an Interactive Provider with: public void onRefreshMsg(RefreshMsg refreshMsg, OmmConsumerEvent event) { PostMsg postMsg = EmaFactory.createPostMsg(); FieldList nestedFieldList = EmaFactory.createFieldList(); nestedFieldList.add(…
RTSDK Interactive Provider vs NonInteractive Provider
Hi, we'd like to write a data publisher to TREP using RTSDK. This publisher will receive streaming data, do some translation and then publish the data to TREP. We started with using the NonInteractive Provider since we need this process to publish data whenever it receives it. But during testing, we can't see the data in…
Query on blank update received for LCOF6
Our client is a RTMDS consumer for RT data and have the following question. We are seeing for some instruments we receive blank updates in between actual updates something like this - ``` DoNotRipple seqNum="14798" name="LCOF6" serviceId="259" serviceName="hEDD" Payload dataType="FieldList" FieldList FieldEntry…
We're consuming data using the Real Time SDK (https://github.com/Refinitiv/Real-Time-SDK/tree/master
We're consuming data using the Real Time SDK (). When opening the item JPYNOK=X, we get a reasonable call to OnRefreshMsg() with a conversion rate and a scaling of 100. However, when we receive calls to OnUpdateMsg() for this item, the scaling is set to 1. We believe this is a bug. Are you able to confirm and possibly fix…
data request
https://github.com/Refinitiv/websocket-api/blob/master/Applications/Examples/python/market_price.py We are currently making a real-time data request based on the sample example above. I want to make sure that I can request data again during the disconnected time when I reconnected in case socket communication is lost, and…
Accessing usage and inventory data from the on-prem PostgreSQL db
Accessing usage and inventory data from the on-prem PostgreSQL db Can we have the `public.consolidated0yyyy_mm_dd` usage-type tables populated on scheduled basis? Are those tables including ALL of the PEs used across the firm? If not, can we schedule a run for all of the PEs we’re subscribed to. What is the period covered…
Error code 403: Access Denied
Hi, I am trying to pull real time data via Eikon API using python. But I am getting an error message that states Access denied, although I am running my Eikon desktop parallelly. Can you suggest ways to fix it. SourceCode: ErrorMessage:
Decode Login Response to understand if it is successful or not
Hello, I am unable to find examples where the login response has been decoded to check if login was successful or not. Can you help me with sample code or examples for the EMA Java SDK for the above use case?
Test Infrastructure?
Hello, While I have some past experience with Market Data Platforms and their API's, I left that world 9 years ago, so I would appreciate any guidance with the new realities under LSEG leadership. TL;DR Is there any way to get access to real infrastructure like ADH/ADS for development purposes? Or is there a developer…
What platforms are supported by RMC?
I would like to know what platforms RMC supports. I could not find the details here https://developers.lseg.com/en/api-catalog/real-time-legacy/refinitiv-management-classes-rmc Interested to know if it supports Linux on ARM architecture.