My UPA application connects to TREP but is getting occasional timeouts followed by channel reconnections. The logs from my API are below.
2019/03/05-14:30:41.884857 +0000 Status code <RSSL_SC_TIMEOUT> data state <RSSL_DATA_SUSPECT> stream state <RSSL_STREAM_OPEN> for </ELEKTRON_DD/CFCB.OQ> stream id [412537] <State: Open/Suspect/Timeout - text: "Request timed out.">
2019/03/05-14:32:27.953423 +0000: Connection reconnecting Error: (</local/jenkins/workspace/ESDKCore/OS/RH6-64/esdk/Cpp-C/Eta/Impl/Transport/rsslSocketTransportImpl.c:3168> Error: 1002 ipcWrite() failed. System errno: (104)>
The timeout may not be related to the channel reconnection but it's the only other unusual activity near the time of the reconnect.
I don't have access to the logs at the TREP installation yet.
What normally causes these kinds of errors ?