Eikon supports translations to English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Russian...unfortunately no French at this time. News is fully supported in French and more than 40 other languages (News Code LFR)
french_news = ek.get_news_headlines('MSFT.O AND LFR',10)
Hi @kamal.chancari
Please show the screenshot of data which you would like to extract information.
you can find in attached image some example of data that I try to extract by eikon API.
You can use Data Item Browser to browse for the fields.
And here is the sample code:
Hi chavalit.jintamalit,
Thank you for your answer.
My problem is to get these informations in french language. is these informations availabale in French ? If it is the case, how can I get it by the function get_data ? or how I should I modify my account settings ?
The data is provided in English only.
I just tested changing my client to Japanese language and the data is still in English.
Lipper supports French data including investment objective text shown in the screenshort from @kamal.chancari. Just that not all products can asset it. The recently released RDP Funds API can access it. You just need to specify the "langauge" as "FRE". For example, you can query the sample fund with ISIN: FR0012086528 as below:
You will get the result in JSON:
{ "assets": [ { "id": "FR0012086528", "objective": { "code": "INVESTMENTOBJ", "type": { "id": "41500", "code": "InvestmentObj", "name": "Investment Objective" }, "values": [ { "value": "L'objectif du fonds est de constituer un portefeuille diversifié de participations, en investissant au minimum 80% de son actif dans des sociétés innovantes éligibles au quota des FCPI, et de gérer ces participations dans la perspective de les céder et de réaliser à cette occasion des plus values. Le Fonds pourra investir dans des PME situées dans toute l'Union Européenne." } ] } } ], "totalRecords": 1, "fromIndex": 0, "toIndex": 0, "pageNumber": 0 }
Notes* This should be be viewed as "translation", the textual data in different languages are collected from fund offering documents or some official sources, not translated by Lipper. Thus, not all funds got different langauges, It depends on whether the data in that particular language is available or not from official source. Funds domiciled or registered for sale in France will likely have French data set.