I extract multiple time series fields for an instrument in one query using `get_data`. I came across debt and equity RICs for which there are rows in the response where the fields' values refer to different dates. In other words, the data fields are not aligned based on their respective date.
I would not have expected this behavior and did not find any sort of documentation on this. Is this a glitch or is this how the API is supposed to work? In case of the latter, I would have to query the date for every individual field and perform a merge, which is far from ideal.
Thank you for your help!
para = {
'SDate': '2013-01-01',
'EDate': '2019-12-31',
'DateType': 'AD',
df, err = ek.get_data(['136447AW9='], ['TR.BIDPRICE.DATE','TR.BIDPRICE.VALUE','TR.MIDYIELD.DATE','TR.MIDYIELD.VALUE'], field_name=True, parameters=para)
As an example, I marked one line where this is the case.

The same applies to the following stock
df, err = ek.get_data(['BENE.F^L15'], ['TR.PRICECLOSE.DATE','TR.PRICECLOSE.VALUE','TR.ISSUEMARKETCAP.DATE','TR.ISSUEMARKETCAP'], field_name=True, parameters=para)