I am looking for a way to find all RICs for the S&P500 Index Futures for all available maturities.
So far, I manually found:
Month; RIC; Expiry
JUN0 1SPXFM0 19-Jun-2020
SEP0 1SPXFU0 18-Sep-2020
DEC0 1SPXFZ0 18-Dec-2020
MAR1 1SPXFH1 19-Mar-2021
JUN1 1SPXFM1 18-Jun-2021
Question 1: How can I write single API request with a RIC (Chain) that will cover all available Futures?
Question 2: What is (in the picture below) the difference between "1SPXF- SPF" and "2SPCF - SPF"?
Question 3: I have seen that the Exchange is "Taiwan Futures Exchange", or the "Sao Paulo Commodity and Futures Exchange", which are both non-US locations. What's the difference?Thanks,