We used to get a FTP delivery of the full universe every two weeks. As Refinitiv adds coverage of new companies, our delivery would include these corporations.
How can I call a function that retrieves the full universe available every time?
Hi @Erik77 - OK so as per @Gurpreet and @chavalit-jintamalit said the screener capability will be the closest capability. The query below won't give you just the latest ESG universe (but it will give you almost all public companies). However, if you read the article referred to by chavalit you may be able to modify the query. Here is a screener query which can build up the list of almost 64K companies:
df, err = ek.get_data("SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,primary))/*UNV:Public*/), IN(TR.HQCountryCode,""AF"",""AL"",""DZ"",""AS"",""AD"",""AO"",""AI"",""AQ"",""AG"",""AR"",""AM"",""AW"",""AU"",""AT"",""AZ"",""BS"",""BH"",""BD"",""BB"",""BY"",""BE"",""BZ"",""BJ"",""BM"",""BT"",""BO"",""BQ"",""BA"",""BW"",""BV"",""BR"",""IO"",""BN"",""BG"",""BF"",""BI"",""CV"",""KH"",""CM"",""CA"",""KY"",""CF"",""TD"",""CL"",""CN"",""CX"",""CC"",""CO"",""KM"",""CD"",""CG"",""CK"",""CR"",""HR"",""CU"",""CW"",""CY"",""CZ"",""CI"",""DK"",""DJ"",""DM"",""DO"",""EC"",""EG"",""SV"",""GQ"",""ER"",""EE"",""SZ"",""ET"",""FK"",""FO"",""FJ"",""FI"",""FR"",""GF"",""PF"",""TF"",""GA"",""GM"",""GE"",""DE"",""GH"",""GI"",""GR"",""GL"",""GD"",""GP"",""GU"",""GT"",""GG"",""GN"",""GW"",""GY"",""HT"",""HM"",""VA"",""HN"",""HK"",""HU"",""IS"",""IN"",""ID"",""IR"",""IQ"",""IE"",""IM"",""IL"",""IT"",""JM"",""JP"",""JE"",""JO"",""KZ"",""KE"",""KI"",""KP"",""KR"",""KW"",""KG"",""LA"",""LV"",""LB"",""LS"",""LR"",""LY"",""LI"",""LT"",""LU"",""MO"",""MG"",""MW"",""MY"",""MV"",""ML"",""MT"",""MH"",""MQ"",""MR"",""MU"",""YT"",""MX"",""FM"",""MD"",""MC"",""MN"",""ME"",""MS"",""MA"",""MZ"",""MM"",""NA"",""NR"",""NP"",""NL"",""NC"",""NZ"",""NI"",""NE"",""NG"",""NU"",""NF"",""MP"",""NO"",""OM"",""PK"",""PW"",""PS"",""PA"",""PG"",""PY"",""PE"",""PH"",""PN"",""PL"",""PT"",""PR"",""QA"",""MK"",""RO"",""RU"",""RW"",""RE"",""BL"",""SH"",""KN"",""LC"",""MF"",""PM"",""VC"",""WS"",""SM"",""ST"",""SA"",""SN"",""RS"",""SC"",""SL"",""SG"",""SX"",""SK"",""SI"",""SB"",""SO"",""ZA"",""GS"",""SS"",""ES"",""LK"",""SD"",""SR"",""SJ"",""SE"",""CH"",""SY"",""TW"",""TJ"",""TZ"",""TH"",""TL"",""TG"",""TK"",""TO"",""TT"",""TN"",""TR"",""TM"",""TC"",""TV"",""UG"",""UA"",""AE"",""GB"",""UM"",""US"",""UY"",""UZ"",""VU"",""VE"",""VN"",""VG"",""VI"",""WF"",""EH"",""YE"",""ZM"",""ZW"",""AX""), CURN=USD)",["TR.RIC"])
riclist = df.RIC.to_list() #this will give you a list of 64K companies
I hope this can help.
Hi @Erik77 - thanks for your question - just to clarify - Eikon Data APIs dont deliver via FTP - are you perhaps referring to our DataScope Select service? - its just so I can put this question in the right forum so you can get the correct answer.
Hi @Erik77, Which API did you use to get FTP delivery? I am unaware of Eikon Data API's supporting such functionality.
The closest thing to getting a full universe of ESG instruments would be use a screener query in Eikon.
Hi @jason.ramchandani, apologies if I wasn't clear enough. We used to get FTP deliveries from your DataScope Select Service. Every two weeks we got fresh data and an updated universe, which often expanded every two weeks/month, as you guys added companies to the universe.
We are now setting up an API, and I'd like to know how to pull the latest list of companies available (as the universe is ever-expanding and we don't know what companies get added).
Hi @Erik77 - so are you trying to achieve this in DataScope Select or in Eikon. Thanks.
Hi @Erik77
I think you can use SCREENER to get all the instruments from a specific universe(such as exchange).
Hi @jason.ramchandani - I am trying to achieve this in Eikon, using the API.