Hello,What can be the root cause(s) of this disconnection message:
Session disconnected (route "ROUTE2XXXXXX", host "", port 14003). Text:<Impl/ripcsrvr.c:7093> Error:1002 ripcRead() failure. Connection reset by peer
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
From the TCP port (14003), a provider should be a non-interactive provider. Non-interactive provider will establish a connection to ADH.
I got the same error text (at a different line) if a non-interactive provider exited by closing the channel without closing the login stream.
Session disconnected (route "ripcSession.23", host "xxxx", port 14003). Text:<Impl/ripcsrvr.c:6868> Error:1002 ripcRead() failure. Connection reset by peer
However, if a non-interactive provider exited by closing the login stream and then closing the channel, ADH will show a different message.
Session disconnected (route "ripcSession.23", host "xxxx", port 14003). Source Application has closed login stream.
In conclusion, one scenario which can trigger this message in ADH log is that a non-interactive provider mayn't be properly shut down.
The above message means that whatever was connected on that port initiated a disconnection and shutdown the connection.
So, you will need to investigate whatever it was that was connected on that port (e.g. a provider app?)