Hi. Im looking at the ticker ".AD.N" advance declines.
I can see the fields like VOLUME_ADV, VOLUME_DEC in the dataitem browser
Is it possible to get historic data for this? Seems I can only retrieve the last date.
I've tried:
df,err = ek.get_data('.AD.N',['VOLUME_ADV'],{'SDate':'2020-09-01','EDate':'2020-10-30'})
This only retrieves the latest day.
I've also tried:
df2 = ek.get_timeseries('.AD.N', fields='*',start_date='2020-09-01', end_date='2020-10-30', interval='daily')
This retrieves only the Volume difference (cant seem to find any other fields)
I would like historic data for fields like: 'VOLUME_DEC','ISSUES_DEC','ISSUES_ADV','VOLUME_ADV'
Thank you