I have the following formula in Excel that allows me to get all the holdings weights for a fund:
=TR("ARKK.K","TR.ISIN;TR.FdSecurityOwnedRIC;TR.FdSecurityOwnedName;TR.FdInvestorFilingDate;TR.FdInvestorSharesHeld;TR.FdInvestorShrsHeldChg; TR.FundPercentageOfFundAssets","EndNum=5000 CH=Fd")
How do I replicate this in python?
I have the following code
hldgs, err = ek.get_data(
instruments = 'ARKK.K',
fields = ['TR.FdSecurityOwnedRIC;TR.FdInvestorFilingDate;TR.FundPercentageOfFundAssets'])
But it only gives me the top 10 holdings. How do I get this to give me the full set of holdings weights? I see in the Excel formula that "EndNum=5000" is achieving this goal. How can I amend my python code to do the same thing?