We are using classes from package com.reuters.sfc.realtime.general.*
Will there be any impact on this package as part of API rebranding ?
If code change is not expected, do we need to re-compile the app using jsfc jars provided by refinitiv ?
Hello @girish.bhojwani.
In response to your comment - no, as there are no new jars provided by Refinitiv as part of the latest SDK.
Please read in REBRAND_SFCJAVA that is provided as part of the latest download of JSFC SDK:
"There is *no* impact on the existing customer applications written using SFC Java
API due to rebranding. Also, the connectivity to the Refinitiv products will *not*
be impacted due to rebranding efforts and existing applications will continue to work.
However, starting with the SFC Java version 3.6.0.L1, all future fixes will be made
only on re-branded releases."
Hello @girish.bhojwani,
Please refer to this previous discussion thread for the relevant information.
You may find this PCN on My Refinitiv useful for the complete details.
do we need to re-compile the app using jsfc jars provided by refinitiv ?