I've written a sample code that looks like below for better explaination:
import refinitiv.dataplatform as rdp
test = rdp.open_desktop_session(api_key)
print(rdp.search(view = rdp.SearchViews.FixedIncomeQuotes,
filter = "IssuerTicker eq 'HHYON'",
select = "IssuerCommonName,IssuerOAPermID",
The output of open state is State.Open and the version is 1.0.0a7.post7. However, the search result returns None and any other rdp function returnsNone as well.
I'm running Eikon API Proxy on my desktop and created a valid api key under API type of, "EDP API" and "Eikon Data API".
Would be great if I could know what is wrong with the steps I've taken
Thank you.