I am doing a RSearch in Excel for Commerzbank Bonds using
IssuerOrgid = '10436'
in the filter. This returns 7 bonds ( I have some additional filters. Not important here) and I see '"Organization PermID" = '8589934314 in the data retrieved.
I am trying the same search using what is shown below (Python in IntelliJ) but get nothing returned (status of both searches is "OK").
Am I missing something?
Also, in some other similar searches for Corp Bonds I get a empty MaturityDate field. What is the condition to include in the filter to exclude the rows with no values in that field? (would be nice to know all available functions such as "endswith" etc to use in the Filter. Is there a listing somewhere?)
Many thanks in advance
import refinitiv.dataplatform as rdp
rdp_session = rdp.open_desktop_session("-------------")
sOrgPermID = '8589934314'
srchfields = "RIC,ISIN, FullName, CommonName,CompanyName, IssuerLegalName,IssuerOAPermID, IssuerCommonName,IssuerShortName, IssuerOrganization, IssuerOrgid, ParentOAPermID,ParentIssuerName, ParentIssuerID, Currency, MaturityDate "
filterStrLoop1 = " ((DerivedCategory eq 'BOND') or (DerivedCategory eq 'Note')) and ParentOAPermID eq '{0}' and IsActive eq true " \
" and AssetStatus ne 'MAT' and RIC ne null and ISIN ne null ".format(sOrgPermID)
respOrgPermId = rdp.Search.search(view=rdp.SearchViews.GovCorpInstruments, filter=filterStrLoop1, top=GroupSize, select=srchfields)
# This one returns values for RSearch in Excel, using IssuerOrgid = '10436' :
sOrgId = '10436'
filterStrLoopOrgId = " ((DerivedCategory eq 'BOND') or (DerivedCategory eq 'Note')) and IssuerOrgid eq '{0}' and IsActive eq true " \
" and AssetStatus ne 'MAT' and RIC ne null and ISIN ne null ".format(sOrgId)
respOrgId = rdp.Search.search(view=rdp.SearchViews.GovCorpInstruments, filter=filterStrLoopOrgId, top=GroupSize, select=srchfields)