Hello @tomoya.suzuki.lab
This Q&A forum is for the API general usage questions, only. This issue is related to the content, so I suggest you contact the Eikon helpdesk team via my.refinitiv.com website to help you verify if the data on the year 2000 is available or not.
Please select "I cannot access specific content within the product" and choose "Refinitiv Eikon" product as shown below:
I have tried the given code without query parameters and it returns data successfully.
But when I start to apply your parameter to the request, the API returns NA to the Codebook.
I suggest you to build a query via the simple GUI interface with the "Code Creator" (CODECR) app inside the Eikon/Workspace.
Alternatively, you may contact the helpdesk team via my.refinitiv.com website to help you verify if the data that match your requirement is available or not.