Missing some fields after upgraded to EMA RTSDK 2.0.2.L1 Java from ESDK 1.0.0 after client migrated to RTO LPC.
Any way to fix it? Please see attached snap shot Before and After
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
Hi @Hao.Tang
Changing SDK or upgrading versions should not affect the list of fields received.
The SDK will pass on whatever payload it receives from the server - it does not change or amend the payload.
The customer should try running the old and new code side by side to confirm this.
One thing to note, if they have changed from EC to RTO - then the number of updates they receive may be different - as EC and RTO may not use the same bandwidth optimisation/conflation mechanism.
If they still see differences in data, then the RTO team would have to investigate any such data differences.
2) 客户还提到有内存泄露问题,之前建议升级最新RTSDK 2.0.2,但升级之后仍然存在同样问题,可不可以帮忙看看分析一下原因(附件)498501245.jpg
021-09-26T10:44:06.449+0800: 315081.259: [GC cleanup 3737M->3737M(4096M), 0.0052791 secs] [Times: user=0.07 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs] @汤浩 然后这边看一下,升级sdk后内存泄漏问题还是没有解决
As mentioned earlier if they are running old and new applications side by side and can confirm data is missing from the new feed, you will need to ask the RTO team to investigate.
We on the Dev Forum do not have the ability to investigate missing data/content issues. Please raise a Ticket for the Real-Time Optimized service and the client will need to provide details of the differences i.e. times and fields which are seen with the old feed and not the new feed.
In terms of the memory leak issue, the forum is not the ideal scenario for this - as it would require deeper investigation by RDC + the dev team and would require much more information from the customer than just the call stack attached above.
To Contact RDC you can raise a premium support ticket from Refinitiv Real-Time Java SDK | Refinitiv Developers :
Or they can report directly to the Dev Team at Issues · Refinitiv/Real-Time-SDK (github.com) Issues · Refinitiv/Real-Time-SDK (github.com)
Apologies but I should have been clearer in the above post. You need to work with RDC to recreate and confirm there is a memory leak in EMA before reporting it on GitHub. The EMA dev team are not in a position to help diagnose a possible memory leak in an application.
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.