I'd like to analyze historical prices of some equities (e.g. Apple) in terms of dividends - any idea if Eikon has such different time series? i'd like to pull data in python using API
Hello @juliusz.pres ,
Please see this previous discussion thread for the relevant detail on the dividends adjusted prices.
You can can try something like this for split-adjusted prices:
ek.get_data(['IBM.N','VOD.L','PLNT.CD'],['TR.CLOSEPRICE.date','TR.CLOSEPRICE(Adjusted=0)','TR.CLOSEPRICE(Adjusted=1)'],parameters = {'SDate':0,'EDate':-5})
Resulting in:
I have chosen Better Plant as one of the stocks as it has recently split and I would expect close price to differ from adjusted close price and therefore show that the price is adjusted.
Hope this information helps.