I would like to receive 'CF_BID', 'CF_ASK', 'BIDSIZE', 'ASKSIZE' of a specific ISIN and exchange.
This is working well for an ISIN as identifier:
# retrieve RIC from ISIN
DATA, err = ek.get_data(['US02079K3059'], ['TR.RIC'])
# convert RICs to list to be used
ric_lists = DATA['RIC'].to_list()
# get data
df, err = ek.get_data(ric_lists, ['CF_NAME','CF_BID', 'CF_ASK', 'BIDSIZE', 'ASKSIZE', 'CF_EXCHNG'])
The result is based on GOOGL.OQ.
How can I change the exchange? I would like to receive data for the german Exchange Tradegate. The RIC is ABEA.TG.
Any ideas?