Auto failover does not work with multi credential if connection failed when constructing OmmConsumer
Hello, Is the auto failover mechanism wont work with multiple credential if connection failure happens in OmmConsumer constructor? Here is my env and repeat steps: RTSDK: 2.2.3.E1 Lang: C++ OS: Redhat 7 In my env, we have 2 servers which can be logon with 2 different usernames. Let say Server_A: username = User_A Server_B:…
OmmConsumer constructor never return or throw exception if connection success but login fail
I have a C++ application using EMA API (SDK version 2.2.1.L1) on Redhat 7. When I set OmmConsumerConfig with an incorrect IP and incorrect username, the OmmConsumer() is able to throw exception after 45sec (Text = 'login failed (timed out after waiting 45000milliseconds', ErrorCode=-4052") However, if the OmmConsumerConfig…
Refinitiv EMA timestamp reference and time zone correction
Is it possible using the EMA C++ SDK constructs to adjust the received timestamps such that they take into account the local time zone of the subscriber? If not, is it intended that customers do the conversions themselves, thus assuming the timestamps are always UTC-referenced?
Testserver and RTO application
Hello! Could you please help me with communication between testserver tool (3.5.3.L1) and Cons100? I was able to run testserver: ./testserver -v -S ELEKTRON_DD -bdf ./dump.bin -U 1 -N 14103 -K -ik Initialized RSSL library. Successfully loaded RWF data dictionary Total number of messages processed: 99 Loaded pkts: 0 items:…
How to get the SeriveName in Provider from consumer, during application shutdown at consumer
we are having a provider(RFA), and a Consumer(Ema). When subscribing to the MarketDataService from the Consumer, the ServiceName appears on the Provider side through Trep. However, during application shutdown on the Consumer side, automatic unsubscription calls are made, which we observe at the Provider end. Unfortunately,…
RTSDK EMA C++ -not able to set serviceName and see it right away
For my unit tests I need to set name and serviceName to my message. I need to create a message and then pass it to my OmmConsumerClient class. But it did not work. After multiple attempts to make my code work, I finally realised that the issue is in particular logic of setting serviceName. When setting serviceName message,…
OmmInvalidUsageException due to timeout in application
Hello, We are tring to connect to RTO with our application created using the EMA libtrary part of Real-Time-SDK-2.1.3.E1.linux.zip package. EmaConfig.xml file: <Name value="Channel_1"/> <!-- ChannelType possible values are: --> <!-- ChannelType::RSSL_SOCKET - TCP IP connection type --> <!-- ChannelType::RSSL_HTTP - Http…
C++ API Dictionary programmatic setup
Greetings! I am using latest RTSDK C/CPP 2.1.3.G1 aka EMA/ETA 3.7.3.G1 aka and having dictionary timeout issues similar to https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/95787/emadictionary-retrieval-failed-timed-out-after-wai.html I increased timeout up to 120 seconds, and it helped only once, while most of…
How to handle COMPLETION_EVENT while migrating Refinitiv RFA API to EMA API?
We are currently upgrading our application from RFA API to use EMA API. We referred a similar question in this link: https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/92298/whats-the-equivalent-of-rfas-completion-event-in-r.html But we are not able to use the rsslIsFinalState given in the solution here. Please provide a…
What type of durability EMA has?
Hi All, We subscribed for financial market data through a batch request to EMA. What happens when the update message is ready but the consumer is busy with another API call to consume some other data? When I ask this query, consider I didn't mean disconnection between the Refintiv and EMA. Does Refinitiv internally follow…
C++ EMA Horizontal Scaling Limitations / Connection Lost
Hello, we are experiencing a similar situation as the one mentioned on this thread https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/43780/an-established-connection-was-aborted-by-the-softw.html. We have attempted horizontal scaling, as shown in this example…
Is there a way to request all symbols for Market Price request?
Hello, Based on my understanding of UPA RDM, it seems that if I want to request market price updates for a set of symbols, I need to either send a request per symbol, or send a batch request, where in either case I have to enumerate every symbol via RDM_INSTRUMENT_NAME_TYPE_RIC. Is there a way I can instead make this…
Getting out of buffer exception due to slow consumer (EMA C++ OMM API)
I'm building a interactive provider (EMA C++ OMM API) for streaming the market data to different downstream applications, which are Refinitiv Consumer, through TCP socket. I'm testing the scenario that how my provider behaves when I have very slow consumer connect to it. I found that the provider will throw an out of…
How do we perform a right shutdown on my EMA customer ? OmmConsumer.unregister() needed or not ?
How do we perform a right shutdown on our EMA customer ? * When we shutdown our EMA Customer process, do we need to use OmmConsumer.unregister() method on every stream handle that we have registered ? * Or the call to the method OmmConsumer.uninitialize() will release automatically all stream handles at both Customer and…
unregister() causes internal stack trace
I have written the simplest code example that returns a refresh message and it gets a internal stack trace on unregister(). What's wrong in these 40 lines? OnMsgTest onMsgTest = new OnMsgTest(ommConsumer, symbol);<br /> long handle = ommConsumer.registerClient(reqMsg.serviceName(source).name(symbol), onMsgTest); and later…