I have a C++ application using EMA API (SDK version 2.2.1.L1) on Redhat 7.
When I set OmmConsumerConfig with an incorrect IP and incorrect username, the OmmConsumer() is able to throw exception after 45sec (Text = 'login failed (timed out after waiting 45000milliseconds', ErrorCode=-4052")
However, if the OmmConsumerConfig has correct IP but incorrect username, OmmConsumer() never return / throw exception.
The app can receive StatusMsg from onStatusMsg( const StatusMsg&, const OmmConsumerEvent&), and the message content is:
domain="Login Domain"
state="Closed / Suspect / Not entitled / 'Error! User abc is not registered.'"
But the constuctor just blocked forever.
I have tried to set LoginRequestTimeout to different value but it doesnt help. Could you please advice how to let OmmConsumer constructor return properly on error, so the application have handle error properly.