Cannot prepare connection OMMStreamConnection when running in Pycharm IDE vs Codebook
I run the following code in codebook and it’s fine: import refinitiv.data as rd from refinitiv.data.content import pricing contract = 'CL' rd.open_session() ice_oil = ['LCO', 'LGO'] chain = pricing.chain.Definition(name=f"0#/{contract}:").get_stream() chain.open(with_updates=False) chain.close() if contract in ice_oil:…
Auto failover does not work with multi credential if connection failed when constructing OmmConsumer
Hello, Is the auto failover mechanism wont work with multiple credential if connection failure happens in OmmConsumer constructor? Here is my env and repeat steps: RTSDK: 2.2.3.E1 Lang: C++ OS: Redhat 7 In my env, we have 2 servers which can be logon with 2 different usernames. Let say Server_A: username = User_A Server_B:…
OmmConsumer constructor never return or throw exception if connection success but login fail
I have a C++ application using EMA API (SDK version 2.2.1.L1) on Redhat 7. When I set OmmConsumerConfig with an incorrect IP and incorrect username, the OmmConsumer() is able to throw exception after 45sec (Text = 'login failed (timed out after waiting 45000milliseconds', ErrorCode=-4052") However, if the OmmConsumerConfig…
refinitiv.data._errors.RDError: Error code -1
Hello! I run the followinf code: df_test = rd.get_data(universe = ['SEK='], fields = ['BID'] ) And get this error message: refinitiv.data._errors.RDError: Error code -1 | Cannot prepare connection OMMStreamConnection name : ThreadOMMSTREAMING_PRICING_0.0 state : StreamCxnState.Disposed subprotocol : tr_json2…
Query the refinitiv.data API in databricks
Hi everyone, I'm currently building an application using databricks, and in this process I'm migrating some scripts that were previously running on my local PC to run in a databricks notebook. I'm using refinitiv-data-1.6.2 to query the data. This is my auth flow : rd.open_session(config_name='credentials.json') with…
Getting a "ConnectionResetError: [WinError 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by t...
...he remote host" error while using the dataplatform API in python. While running the get_timeseries function in a loop, i get this error in every subsequent call.
ReadError: [WinError 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
Below is the code I am using. Anyone can help? Thank you. ********************************* import refinitiv.data as rd from refinitiv.data.content import search rd.open_session() response = search.Definition("AU000000BHP4 Berlin",top=1).get_data() response.data.df.iloc[0][4] rd.close_session()…
Receiving ‘Couldn’t Resolve Host Name’ Error for Multiple Refinitiv APIs on October 18, 2024
Hello, I’m experiencing an issue when making API requests to several Refinitiv services, including: • refinitiv_tick_history_time_and_sales • refinitiv_futures_and_options_search • refinitiv_tick_history_intraday_summaries • refinitiv_tick_history_market_depth • refinitiv_historical_reference_extraction On October 18,…
Error: Setting Up RTO Datafeed : failed: Connection timed out
I test run sample code (EMA JAVA) . But occur error "failed to submit authorization request, exception = Connect to api.refinitiv.com:443 [api.refinitiv.com/, api.refinitiv.com/] failed: Connection timed out: connect Host: null Port: null " please support me for solve this problem
Reuters Connection Fail Fequently
We are facing issue with reuters connection fail frequently: {"instant":{"epochSecond":1726205278,"nanoOfSecond":441878434},"thread":"pool-8-thread-1","level":"INFO","loggerName":"com.enbd.rate.streaming.registry.consumer.ConsumerClient","message":"Status message refinitiv:StatusMsg\n streamId=\"99\"\n domain=\"MarketPrice…
Refinitv API connection force log out my Workspace app and do not allow me to sign in
Hi, I am forced log out when I open_session with Refinitiv.data while having the Workspace app open, then the app asks me to sign in (screenshot below), after I hit 'Sign In', it shows 'Loading' then return to the first screenshot. In order to sign in, I have to force close the app on Task Manager and launch it again. Does…
Unable to connect on VS Code Python
Hi there, Whilst I have been using CodeBook, I'd also like to code locally on my machine and use Visual Studio Code. However, the following script returns an error and as a result I am unable to connect: import refinitiv.data as rd from refinitiv.data.content import news from IPython.display import HTML import pandas as pd…
Error: messenger not found
user is getting the following message: Listening to port=9006 Error: messenger not found.
can not login the Eikon
I am in Canada but my register location is Taiwan. I can not login the Eikon and it shows the following info: Configuration Download Error The application failed to download the product configuration. Possible causes: • you are not connected to the network • the Refinitiv Platform is encountering problems • the desktop…
Cannot prepare connection OMMStreamConnection error
Hi, I am using refinitiv.data package to extract dividend estimation data. Here is part of my code: import refinitiv.data as rd reuters_data = rd.get_data( universe=list_ids_forecast, fields=['ROW80_4', 'ROW80_7', 'ROW80_8', 'ROW80_9', 'ROW80_10', 'ROW80_11', 'ROW80_12', 'ROW80_13', 'ROW80_14', 'ROW80_15', 'ROW80_16',…