Hello we were looking for some ETF about HST_Close avec Adjust_CLS on excel an Python, For each ETF we found a difference between Adjust_close and HST_CLOSE despite there are no corporate actions. By the way, GF and CAGG ETF symbol are converted to FCc1 and CACG.B within our script provided from refinitiv and returns no…
Eikon API Python Windows df = ek.get_timeseries(ric, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, fields='Close') This request fails frequently leading to missing data, I either get "Error code 2504 | UDF Core request failed. Gateway Time-out" or "Error code 500 | Backend error. 500 Internal Server Error". I have tried…
How to get the fund “预期收益率” and “股息” via Eikon API?
Hi, I am looking for API-services that can provide me with macro data. I am looking for this specific information; a lot of inflation data - I can send you more specific information if a recive a mail a lot of growth data - I can send you more specific information if a recive a mail All the world indices, most important is…
I'm trying to pull the stock buybacks for different stock index universes.
Just wondering where to get access to MSCI scores on Eikon platform. Are ESG scores from MSCI available on Eikon? If so, how is it possible to retrive data?
How AngularJS integrates with HTML?
...ll for the bulk run Hi Guys, I have got an interesting task and am not sure how to proceed with this. Maybe you could recommend to me the ways. POST | URL: ........./release I have 1 POST request to create the Release for each Project. The request body has the "ProjectID" on it and in the Response body I have got the…
I am trying to add a line with the number of lines in the outputs I am generating with a loop for. import os.path import meshio import pandas as pd import numpy as np import csv cnt = 0 for file in os.listdir(): if file.endswith(".vtu"): mesh = meshio.read(file) Sn = mesh.point_data['Sn'] coordinates = mesh.points data =…
Hello My .html and .js files are in the same folders, same as angular.js but it's not working properly? why? Please see the pictures attached, https://imgur.com/wA4lkFO https://imgur.com/u1B32HF https://imgur.com/hep9I2k kind regards *
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