How to get the fund “预期收益率” and “股息” via Eikon API?
Hi @anchu ,
Thank you for your patience, the code below can be used.
df, err = ek.get_data( instruments = ['511880.SS'], fields = [ 'TR.FundExDate', 'TR.FundRecordDate', 'TR.FundPayDate', 'TR.FundDiv', 'TR.FundDivCurr', 'TR.FundIncDistribution' ], parameters = {'SDate': '2017-01-01','EDate': '2023-07-10'})display(df)
Regarding the <NA> in the Record Date field, you can raise a content ticket via MyRefinitiv as this field also return NULL on Eikon Excel as well.
=@RDP.Data("511880.SS","TR.FundExDate;TR.FundRecordDate;TR.FundPayDate;TR.FundDiv;TR.FundDivCurr;TR.FundIncDistribution","SDate=-6Y Edate=1Y CH=Fd RH=IN")
Using Data Item Browser, you can search for the fields you're looking for.
For example, the projected yield has the field name 'TR.FundProjectedYield'
df, err = ek.get_data(['511880.SS'], ['TR.FundProjectedYield'])df
Regarding the dividend, the code below can be used. As mentioned in the answer in this thread
df, err = ek.get_data('511880.SS', ["TR.DivExDate", "TR.DivRecordDate", "TR.DivPayDate","TR.DivUnadjustedGross", "TR.DivCurr"], {'SDate':'2019-01-01','EDate':'2023-07-10', 'DateType':'ED'})df
Thanks for your reply. For dividends, I want to get dividend distribution records for all time periods, but using the above code only gets one record. How can I get all records ?
All dividends for fund 511880.SS