I was going through the WOrld Check One API v3 Postman Schema and noticed that some of the API endpoints that I available in V2 are not available in v3? For example: the endpoint to Update Case Rating is available in v2 but not in v3. Is V3 not yet ready or are those endpoinds missing for a reason?
What is the default timezone for all timestamps of World Check One API v2 and v3?
Using the WC1 screening process, we create cases with results. When we use existing case Ids, sometimes the results get "dropped off" and we get an API response of 410 (Gone). We are looking to no longer make the API requests for results that have been deemed Gone, but want to make sure they will not come back? Example: I…
The usage of secondary fields does not reduce the matches in our case. Can we define custom fields for e.g. address data to reduce the matches?
When trying to get updates for ongoingscreening cases using this endpoint: ongoingScreeningUpdates, i am getting an INVALID_QUERY_VALUE. The cause is: "Value '--REQUIRED-VALUE-MISSING--' for query attribute 'CREATION_DATE' is invalid."
We are consuming world-check premium data-files that are located at this /premium_datafiles/">ftp location. We want to learn (or verify) how many (and at which) times those files are updated in a day. Based on (an old) public documentation here, it says it is updated twice a day (Document Version 2.6 - Date of issue: 17…
Hi team, some clients and myself are experiencing some issues trying to connect to API Playground (refinitiv.com) the page loads forever any idea on how to solve this? Also i would like to know if i can do WC1 API consults in this playground?
Where can I find the XSD files for Premium WorldCheck Data files? The current links for XSD files are broken.
In documentation description it says that there is no API available right know, but I heard from someone that it is possible. I can't find any documentation about it, can anyone confirm?
It looks like World Check one is caching web-pages, so that preview is always available even though web-page/link is dead. Is there API available to access cached version?
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