The reason of 'channel out of buffers' and recipe
EMA (a later version) Already have this in use <GuaranteedOutputBuffers value="5000"/>, but still encounter this occasionally. May I get advice on how to fix this? 2025-03-28 15:37:27 [] ERROR c.r.ema.access.OmmConsumerImpl - loggerMsg ClientName: Consumer_1_1 Severity: Error Text: Call to rsslReactorDispatch() failed.…
Help, Where can I download ema.so and eta.so?
I’m developing a Java application to publish market data to TREP. After reading some documentation, I found that I need to use the following JAR files: ema-, logback-classic-1.2.11.jar, eta-, logback-core-1.2.11.jar, slf4j-api-2.0.16.jar, and json-20240303.jar. The documentation also mentions that I…
Cannot download SDK. Documentation points to broken links.
Hi, trying to download SDK. I'm having a lot of problems with your website For example, the documentation here has links that throw Not Found 404 https://developers.lseg.com/en/article-catalog/article/publishing-symbol-list-using-ema-non-interactive-provider (404)…
ERROR: 'Attempt to submit initial RefreshMsg with service name of XYZ that was not included in th...
...e SourceDirectory Hi, I am trying to publish data to our Local TREP infrastructure but I am getting the following error and not sure what it means. Can you please help? Exception Type='OmmInvalidUsageException', Text='Attempt to submit initial RefreshMsg with service name of XYZ that was not included in the…
Is it possible to subscribe to prices on EMA for MBS securities?
The TermsAndConditionsExtractionRequest for MBS securities returns null for the ric code. So I do not know what identifier I can use when subscripting to a price on the EMA price subscriptions. I have tried the isin/cusip with and without a "=RRPS" suffix with no luck. I also tried the "Entity PermID" and "Issue PermID"…
EMA: RICs do not receive updates as expected.
I am using Refinitiv EMA in java to subscribe to market data from multiple services(IDN_RDF and BBG,OYAKBANK(a new channel our bank created to combine both)) . However , I am experiencing an issue where some RICs do not receive updates as expected. For OYAKBANK rics, onRefreshMsg() never triggers after…
EMA API Performance improvement
Hi, Please help us to understand how to improve performance with EMA API code to fetch data from TREP server for market updates. We are not getting performance using EMA-API, we have found after our testing that RFA-API has better performance than EMA-API ... can anyone help us to understand what we are missing to tune the…
Is it possible to get a list of all instruments available for subscription on Reuters Elektron?
Hi, We are using Elektron Message API C++ edition. We just wonder, if there is a way to retrieve all available instruments that our data feed (using Reuters Elektron API) can subscribe to? I mean, is there any available API call? Any suggestions? Thanks Regards
Real-Time SDK can receive quote updates of multiple exchanges
We use Real-Time SDK to subscribe to Real-Time Direct service like below: reqMsg.Name("HCWC.A").ServiceName("DIRECT_FEED"); The problem we face is, when we try to receive updates of RIC "HCWC.A", i.e., we want quotes of the shares being traded on "NYSE American", we receive updates from other exchanges where the company…
Search for RICs with EMA library
Hello, I have an application that creates RICs, using specific credentials, on an internal ATS. The name of the RICs created follows a specific patten (all names begin with the same string). I need to retrieve all the RICs created by the application, and it looks like there are two possible options: search all the RICs…
Regarding the cause of disconnection from Real-Time-Optimized.
Hi. We are retrieving data from Real-Time-Optimized (hereinafter RTO). Data has been collected from 08:55:00 to 19:30:00 Japan time, but on 2025/02/13, the following message was output at 15:16:11, and we were disconnected from RTO. What was the cause of the disconnection? Also, for the 15 minutes prior to the…
How to decode a DACS lock in Java out from the RSSL Update Message
I want to read the DACS Lock from a RSSL Update Message for News RIC NFCP_UBMS At best I can get the Byte Array ( byte dacsLock[] ) from the Byte Buffer. Have you an example how to deal with Byte Buffer vaules? Here is what I can see so far: Decode RSSL Update Message Byte Buffer public void onUpdateMsg(UpdateMsg…
RTSDK (EMA/ETA/Websocket API): Supported to run on a public cloud?
Some of our customers are planning to move their own developed application from on-premises to public cloud, such as AWS, Azure and GCP. Is RTSDK (EMA/ETA/Websocket API for all supported OS) officially supported for use on public clouds?
we are using java ema and have queries on reissue, emaconfig.xml and fid level subscription
Verify whether we can reliably use a reissue request to safely cause a refresh; (note: The issues I experienced with this (reloading all instruments) was an unrelated GC issue. Further tests have shown that requesting a reissue appears to work fine for a single EPIC – I just need confirmation that this is the right way to…
Legacy SFC vs EMA SDK treatment of 0 prices (+0/-0 vs Data::BlankEnum)
Hello LSEG Experts, we have migrated from using the deprecated SFC C++ API to the new EMA SDK and we have noticed that there was a logic in place to handle the reception of signed 0 prices, according to this convention that is also mentioned in this thread: [The positive zero (+0) represents a blank while the negative zero…