How to configure endpoint in LSEG Python library?
Hi community! I am trying to find more information about how best to configure the lseg data library for Python. I am interested in connecting to an AWS endpoint that is closest to my servers. How can I configure this? I am familiar with service discovery, but I cannot seem to find a way to change the configuration of the…
How To Connect to News With Python
Hello, I am trying to connect to RDP news directly in python without having the terminal in the same machine. import lseg.data as ld import os os.environ["LD_LIB_CONFIG_PATH"] = r"C:\\Users\\padadmin\\PycharmProjects\\pythonProject\\Repos\\pwm-pad\\APIs\\Configuration" ld.open_session() Where I have the json file like…
inconsistency with get_history lseg api endpoint
I'm currently migrating a workflow from the legacy Eikon Python API to the new LSEG Data (RD) API, and I’ve encountered a couple of points that require clarification. In the Eikon API, I was using the get_timeseries() function with fields='CLOSE' to retrieve historical Euribor data for the following instruments:…
LSEG api get_history doesnt have CLOSE
I’m migrating from eikon to lseg. I’ve been advised to migrate eikons get_timeseries to lseg get_history. With eikon I can get the CLOSE values (see below in a.). Lseg doesn’t have CLOSE or anything similar. (see below in b.) This is using your own codebook. Please advise. a. Refinitiv.Eikon df_hist_ek = ek.get_timeseries(…
Shipping API Question
Is there an API script to see clean products (gasoline, naptha) as imports/exports out of US PADDS zones?
Provide Shipping Flows Python Script
Looking for someone to help put together a script to pull shipping data for clean products (gasoline, gasoline component, naphtha, Gasoline / Gasoline Component) as imports/exports out of all US PADDS.
get_lots_of_data function for the Pyhton LSEG Data Library
Could you please provide some function using the Python LDL's get_data for lots of data, specifically, lots of instruments?
Getting latest data for continuous futures contracts
Using the lseg.data library, I would like to download the latest traded price TRDPRC_1 and settle price if available. I have access to historical data using ld.get_history() but mostly empty data sets using ld.get_data(). Can you confirm python script that should work for Cc1 and Sc1 and/or a way to see if our subscription…
How to best handle connection errors in Python?
Hi community! I am connecting to pricing streams using the LSEG Python library (version lseg.data==2.0.1) Here is a sample code. I am then able to register callbacks with the stream and listen to the data. session = ld.session.platform.Definition( app_key=api_key, grant=ld.session.platform.ClientCredentials(…
Open Session for lseg.data AttributeError: module 'lseg.data._config_defaults' has no attribute 'con
Hello I'm trying to connect to the lseg.data library via an API in Jupyter notebook and when trying to open a session as per below, I get an error message. session = ld.session.platform.Definition( app_key = "My App Key", grant = ld.session.platform.GrantPassword( username = "My Useer Name", password = "My PWD"…
Issue with obtaining EventDate in lseg.data API Python Code
I've been working with the lseg.data API in Python and encountered an issue where I need to add my ID to the code. Despite collaborating with the Product Specialist, the problem persists. The API connection works for other fields like TR.TotAssets, but fails when retrieving data for TR.EventStartDate for specific…
We are getting a problem when we request data with the TR.FundYeartoYesterday Field in LSEG_DATA
Its is returning a datevalue. Here is the code to replicate error: """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np import lseg.data as ek ek.open_session() Fields= ['TR.FundYeartoYesterday'] Fundamentals= ek.get_data('LP68102841', Fields) ek.close_session() """ This is being replicated across all other instruments. Other fields…
How to Download ESG News from All S&P 500 Companies Using API
Hello, I am looking for a way to download ESG news for all S&P 500 companies using the Refinitiv Data Platform (RDP) API or the Eikon API. My goal is to retrieve articles, headlines, and any relevant information related to sustainability, governance, and ESG criteria for the companies in the index. Specific Questions:…
Technical indicators
Hi, is there a way to directly pull technical indicators for non-expired contracts for a RIC list/ RIC chain for EoD data? Ideally I would like to pull for example RSI/CCI/moving average values directly everyday to view which contracts are oversold/ overbought on a daily basis as a pose to pulling ohlc prices and…
Need help to transform a code from CODEBK into a code using API without Eikon.
I am having problem with the parameter "CH", which is not supporter in the fundamental_and_reference.Definition. And there is nothing about it in the docummentation here from refinitiv.data.content import fundamental_and_reference df_earnings_surprise= pd.DataFrame() definition= fundamental_and_reference.Definition(…